I wouldn't say that...the GuitarSuite plug-in is actually very useful. I found myself using on more than one occasion for band demos when I was at the studio. Some bands just took too long to track so I would apply the GS TS plug-in and then the JCM900 plug and dial in a decent tone since there wasn't enough time to reamp with one of my amps. Funny enough, the amps these types of bands would bring were absolute shit...so they were more than happy with the guitar tone I gave them using GuitarSuite.
I also did this with the PODxt Pro we had there before I found GuitarSuite. Compared to some of the amps the bands would bring in...the PODxt would sound like a fucking Bogner Ubershall or something (like I said, in comparison to the amps they brought in). You just gotta know what you're doing really and spend a good amount of time tweaking it. A trick that someone posted on another thread with the PODxt, and it happens to be extremely true, is to tweak the settings without looking at the actual values...it's wierd, I know, but for some reason you can see some whack ass settings on the screen/knobs, but it will sound good.
I also did this with the PODxt Pro we had there before I found GuitarSuite. Compared to some of the amps the bands would bring in...the PODxt would sound like a fucking Bogner Ubershall or something (like I said, in comparison to the amps they brought in). You just gotta know what you're doing really and spend a good amount of time tweaking it. A trick that someone posted on another thread with the PODxt, and it happens to be extremely true, is to tweak the settings without looking at the actual values...it's wierd, I know, but for some reason you can see some whack ass settings on the screen/knobs, but it will sound good.