Guitar/Pickup Questions


Easy Mac > Difficult Mac
Sep 6, 2003
Mulberry, Florida
I own an Epiphone Poly-X (explorer) and I don't like the tone I am getting with my pickups.

What I want to know is....

Does anyone have a reccomendation for pickups based on the below.

X. Clean Jazzy tone, not bluesy
X. Great Sustain
X. Nice when using distortion, clear and not too muddy.

I've still got stock pickups, and considering I work at a movie theatre where I recieve min. wage, I can't afford the $2000+ guitar(s) I want.:Spin:

By the way, what pickups does Opeth use?

Well, I can defientely tell you that a great jazzy/bluesy neck pickup is the Seymour DUncan 59', which is what I have in my LP. When it comes to clarity with gain, I think DiMarzio does that best, I really like the clarity I can get from my Ibanez, which has some Ibanez vintage pickups, which I think are made by DiMarzio.
Buy a PRS like Opeth uses, though it may be a bit expensive :)

seymour duncan mikael uses....he gets great clarity with is a very balanced pup...not over-powering in the mids....just nice and smooth...with good harmonics.

Thanks for the suggestions, everyone!

If I can get out of my shit-ass job working as a movie theatre usher making min. wage, I would by a PRS or a Gretsch 120th Anniversary 1960 Nashville(I love hollow bodies).

I need a new job.
I have 2 Jackson Rhoads, one with the stock Duncan JB in the bridge and another with a Dimarzio Super Distortion. The Super Distortion definitely has more gain than the JB, but the JB has a little more clarity.