Guitar power-amp recommendations?


Feb 20, 2005
Hey guys, I wanna get a reasonably-priced solid-state power amp, preferably 1 rack space, so I can use my podxt through my Bogner 2x12 when I don't wanna schlep around my XSr. Right now I'm pretty set on the Carvin DCM150 because of it's bridged output of 150 watts at 8 ohms (the impedance of my cab), and the only other one I've been able to find in my price range (<$300) is the Rocktron Velocity, which can't even be operated in a bridged mode and thus only offers 40 watts at 8 ohms :ill:

Any other suggestions? Cuz the Carvin looks pretty tits...
Fuck yeah guys, thanks a million! F0RBIDDEN, maybe there were different Velocity power amps at one point, but currently they only offer the aforementioned 100 (though I did find a 120 on ebay - too bad it's in Australia!) And I had definitely never heard of Tubeworks or the Mosvalve, but that thing looks absolutely perfect except that it's 2 rack spaces! If I can't find any other, then I guess I'll go for it, but until then, keep the suggestions comin'! Oh, what do you guys think about the Carvin?
Fuck yeah guys, thanks a million! F0RBIDDEN, maybe there were different Velocity power amps at one point, but currently they only offer the aforementioned 100 (though I did find a 120 on ebay - too bad it's in Australia!) And I had definitely never heard of Tubeworks or the Mosvalve, but that thing looks absolutely perfect except that it's 2 rack spaces! If I can't find any other, then I guess I'll go for it, but until then, keep the suggestions comin'! Oh, what do you guys think about the Carvin?

Yeah they've had a ton of Velocities over the years, I sort of assumed you were lookin' used. The Carvin stuff is great, keep your eyes on eBay for a used one...
Even though you want it to fit one rack space, i do also recomend using the mosvalve.
I switched from the "legendary" Ampeg VL-1002 to using Pod XT and Tubeworks MosValve, i can get so fucking brutal tones its insane.
The mosvalve has this incredible punch that just hits you in the chest like a sledge, but if you pull back on the volume to the poweramp you can get smooth-tubeish sounds.
Im sure that there is alot of stuff out there that is really good, but i think that the mosvalve beats the crap out of everything i have ever tried.
I had a velocity 100, I cannot judge the sound as I never owned a full tube power amp. But it's hard as rock. Very very solid.

The vodoo was sounding ok through it.

Dunno the carvin but the rocktron is very reliable.
Maybe for a 100 more you could get a peavey windsor and use that as a power amp?

Well seeing as how I have an XSr already (see first post), another head would kinda defeat the purpose of portability :p

And thanks dudes, I can't deny, I'm leaning towards the Mosvalve (there's tons on ebay) - I've got two free rack spaces, I just wanted to keep the bottom one open to shove cables and such in, but I guess I'll just start bringing a duffel bag!
Hey, just an update - I'm almost certainly gonna go for a Mosvalve, but I see that some MV-962's (the 80/80 watt ones) have a "body" that's not nearly as wide as the front rack panel, whereas some have an almost 19" wide body. Any idea which is newer and whether one or the other is better?

Edit: Here's a narrow-bodied one, and here's a wide-bodied one (which I'm currently the high-bidder on :D)
Ok, another bump for this one - I just got sniped on a Mosvalve (but my max bid was $170, and I wouldn't have been able to pay more than that anyway), and I now have a few more options available that I wanted you guys' opinions on.

First off is a Marshall 8008. The seller (of course) claims that it sounds as good if not better than tubes; I'm skeptical, but spec- and condition-wise it looks good.

Next is a Lee Jackson SP 1000. Lee seems to be pretty well respected in the amp world, so I'd imagine this thing would be pretty good (all solid state, once again).

And finally, an ADA Microtube 100. I have confidence in the company from the good reputation of the MP-1, and the seller says its power section is MosFETs, which of course are what make the MosValve so well respected (but are all MosFETs created equal?)

Any thoughts anyone might have would be much appreciated!

EDIT: Or I could just wait for another Mosvalve to surface for sale...
Yeah, it seems pretty cool, but the amount of features it has (it's a full amp rather than just a power amp) and it's low price lead me to believe it wouldn't be the best sounding thing. And rack-mountability is pretty essential too. Thanks though dude!
And rack-mountability is pretty essential too. Thanks though dude!

A little heat resistant foam would do wonders, get a rack drawer, remove the front from the drawer and place the powerblock in there so you have easy accessability.

I'm not endorsing the powerblock in any way, but I do have to admit im facinated by it.
Alright, I'll soon be pulling the trigger on one of these, so I can stop harassing you all with questions, but I wanted to give this one more bump and ask again about anyone's thoughts on that Lee Jackson I mentioned above. And the Marshall came and went, and after reading some less-than-favorable reviews, I'm glad I didn't go for it (and no way would I have paid the winning price anyway, jesus!!)