Will this power amp work with this cab?

Nah I wouldn't go for that one. Get one with tubes made for a guitar rig, or if you're going the emuation route via something like a digital preamp (AxeFX or a POD for example), get a solid state amp that's tailored for a guitar setup rather than a PA or monitor setup. If you had a higher wattage cab I'd say the one you picked might work, but you are def cutting it close, not to mention the ohm rating not matching. I have one of these:


Main point is that you don't want to exceed the wattage rating on the cab or when you crank it at a high volume it could blow the speakers. Even if it's the same wattage rating it's still in the danger zone ime. With high gain high volume I'd be more comfortable with a nice buffer of power handling on the speakers. Also good to match the ohms ratings as well, although I get more confiused with that, luckily my power amp switches between all three common ohm ratings and both my power amp and cab have stereo and mono switching. Hope that helped, haha.