guitar pro

A sticky for GP is not needed either dude. There are forums for GP.....

A question for those familiar with GP.

Why the hell does it not properly spell scales!?! Maybe I am missing something, but this always bugged me. It always lists scales with only sharps. For example, in the key of Bb it spells the scale as:

A# C D D# F G A A#

When it should do:

Bb C D Eb F G A Bb

This is moronic...if I am missing something, please let me know
What if you just want to tab your shit so you don't have to show it to other people?

I mean, how can you "hate" guitar pro. I can understand not using it.

Don't really think there needs to be a sticky or a sub-forum.
A sticky for GP is not needed either dude. There are forums for GP.....

A question for those familiar with GP.

Why the hell does it not properly spell scales!?! Maybe I am missing something, but this always bugged me. It always lists scales with only sharps. For example, in the key of Bb it spells the scale as:

A# C D D# F G A A#

When it should do:

Bb C D Eb F G A Bb

This is moronic...if I am missing something, please let me know

While it's a very minute thing to complain about, it is different than what anyone use to reading standard notation would expect. Until I took music theory in my last year or two in high school I didn't know that it was "supposed" to be flats, but that was regarding standard notation. Until then I had always seen, heard and used sharps. So, until I had proper education on it I didn't know any other way, and then it seemed strange to me to use flats instead, and now either way I could care less because I know what it means anyway haha.

But, even still, I learned it as...

A Bb B C C# D Eb E F F# G G#

Until I took that class...
A sticky for GP is not needed either dude. There are forums for GP.....

A question for those familiar with GP.

Why the hell does it not properly spell scales!?! Maybe I am missing something, but this always bugged me. It always lists scales with only sharps. For example, in the key of Bb it spells the scale as:

A# C D D# F G A A#

When it should do:

Bb C D Eb F G A Bb

This is moronic...if I am missing something, please let me know

The key signature has to have flats in it for the notes to be in flat. It annoys me too. Also annoys me that when you put it in cello tuning, the staff is still treble.
A sticky for GP is not needed either dude. There are forums for GP.....

A question for those familiar with GP.

Why the hell does it not properly spell scales!?! Maybe I am missing something, but this always bugged me. It always lists scales with only sharps. For example, in the key of Bb it spells the scale as:

A# C D D# F G A A#

When it should do:

Bb C D Eb F G A Bb

This is moronic...if I am missing something, please let me know

as said that happens when you don't have a key signature set up on the staff, once you add a key, the sharp will change to flats. But I think GP defaults to sharps because most guitarist will use sharps 99.9% of the time due to lazy habit (guitarist are known to be the most lazy of musicians when it comes to learning proper theory). Since my first site read instrument was bass in school band, we dealt with mostly flats and when I switched to saxophone (and treble clef) we dealt with a mix but mostly sharps. So naturally I use the correct enharmonic spelling for a certain key. However since most guitarist won;t ever get formal theory lessons they simply won;t give a shit to learn if they even care, or in most cases usually can't wrap their brains around theory like how most general population are with math, most of them quit when it gets hard, so they slump into lazy familiar habits.

Sibelius rules over GP when it comes to writing in standard notation, however arranging for a whole band, GP slays. Plus tabbing drums in Sibelius is extremely awkward.