Guitar Questions from a Drummer :)

Damian B

Nov 8, 2007
Hello all, I know there are a lot of guitar players out there, so maybe you could help me get started. I'm a drummer, but I often get a lot of ideas for guitar in me head. I want to try and learn some guitar so I can get these ideas out....

What would you guys recommend as far as beginner "metal" guitar stuff goes? What are some good online materials to check out; videos, lessons, etc.?

Also, should I start out trying to play metal (detuned and all that), or should I stick to the basics and try other stuff later?

Thanks :headbang:
The only pointer i want to give you is to start of with more "classic rock", it usualy contains alot of techniques without being to "shreddy" for a beginner.
one of the best sites i found when starting off was
free & they have video & audio for most lessons

guitar is a build up process, lots of repetition
i mean under the assumption you are completely foreign to the instrument i would just find an instructional video somewhere spend 2 days or so practicing and learning the basics, frets, etc...

learn a couple of "standard songs" like nirvana, led zep, etc... just to get the feel of it. i think if you learn a song you know in your head like "black dog" lets say or "back in black" or "enter sandman" you will understand the concept of how something in your head and something you know is played on the instrument. once you feel comfortable i would start learning metal. i wouldn't screw around with tunings much just keep it standard until you feel comfortable. a lot of easy and "typical" guitar licks were written in standard tuning so it's easier to learn if you are going to mess around with tabs and such.
Get Guitar Pro. Getting that program was the second best decision I've made in my guitar life. (The first best was getting a teacher)
If you just plan on "getting the ideas out" instead of becoming a "guitar hero" I suggest you skip the teacher and get "Guitar Pro" and learn your favorite songs. One problem i found when teaching a beginner Metal head is that they are sometimes unenthusiastic or disinterested because teachers start them off on classical or blues.
By learning songs that you love should keep you interested, long enough for you to understand guitar pro which in turn allows you to familiarize yourself with time signatures/tempos etc (if you don't already know it, that is) which in turn teaches you to write/tab out those guitar ideas. :)

Get Guitar Pro. Getting that program was the second best decision I've made in my guitar life.
+1 It was the best decision I've made.