first of all, greetings to everyone (and especially to Andy), i'm new here and i've got a handful of questions about guitar recording... and yeah, i'm a total beginner, i don't know crap about recording and some of the questions might look stupid or something... so bear with me will ya 
ok here we go
my goal is to be able to record and mix several tracks of guitar (overdubs and stuff) and midi percussion... to put it shortly, i wan't to record riffs with drums, leads and overdubs.
my situation concerning hardware (yeah very limited budget
) is as follows:
Ibanez RG320 =>
Boss metal zone pedal =>
Crate GX-15 amplifier
the amp is mic-ed with a cheap grade Trust microphone (yeah one of those computer variants for internet voice comm
) which is plugged directly into computer.
this is pretty much everything hardware wise... now for the software... which solution would you recommend? i've got a Nero SoundTrax and a pirated Cubase SX. the problem is that i don't know how the hell to use them, so i would like to know where can i find any GOOD online tutorials, covering the basics and also theory of recording... and last but not least i would like to know if it's possible to record on such worthless hardware at all ... :|
ok thanks in advance... i hope i was clear enough, my english is so-so...

ok here we go
my goal is to be able to record and mix several tracks of guitar (overdubs and stuff) and midi percussion... to put it shortly, i wan't to record riffs with drums, leads and overdubs.
my situation concerning hardware (yeah very limited budget

Ibanez RG320 =>
Boss metal zone pedal =>
Crate GX-15 amplifier
the amp is mic-ed with a cheap grade Trust microphone (yeah one of those computer variants for internet voice comm

this is pretty much everything hardware wise... now for the software... which solution would you recommend? i've got a Nero SoundTrax and a pirated Cubase SX. the problem is that i don't know how the hell to use them, so i would like to know where can i find any GOOD online tutorials, covering the basics and also theory of recording... and last but not least i would like to know if it's possible to record on such worthless hardware at all ... :|
ok thanks in advance... i hope i was clear enough, my english is so-so...