Guitar VSTi?

Damian B

Nov 8, 2007
Howdy! :rock:

I was wondering if anyone knew of a halfway decent guitar VSTi that would work for metal?

I'm a drummer, and I'm in college now (away from my old band), so I don't currently have anyone to play guitar for me! I've been programming the drums with AD, and doing symphonic stuff with Edirol orchestra, but I don't really have an effective way to program metal guitars.

I'm just looking for something that has some flexibility regrading playing styles mostly... hopefully tremolo picking, palm mutes and the like?? It doesn't have to sound great, I just need something to get my ideas out.

Anyone know of anything?

Thanks a ton guys!! :kickass::kickass:
Thanks, that looks like it would work, but can anyone reccommend anything less.... massive?

A 20gb library with drums is a big excessive for my needs!!
Well, as I was going to write before(Was drunk.), was that Steinberg used to have some "virtual guitar", but I havent heard a single virtual guitar that even sounds decent(Unless we are talking Quake 3-ish industrial.).

Navigate through those libraries under that category. They have a shit-ton of things to check out. Some of the guitar libraries are kinda scary how good they sound. Not quite there for really heavy stuff yet, IMO, but it's getting there. Soon, guitar players will be just as useless as drummers once these libraries get real enough :lol: j/k

I seriously thought you were asking about guitar ampsim VSTs, in which case I was going to ream you for...but then I saw that you asked about guitar VSTi's. :)
