I was wondering if anyone knew of a halfway decent guitar VSTi that would work for metal?
I'm a drummer, and I'm in college now (away from my old band), so I don't currently have anyone to play guitar for me! I've been programming the drums with AD, and doing symphonic stuff with Edirol orchestra, but I don't really have an effective way to program metal guitars.
I'm just looking for something that has some flexibility regrading playing styles mostly... hopefully tremolo picking, palm mutes and the like?? It doesn't have to sound great, I just need something to get my ideas out.
Anyone know of anything?
Thanks a ton guys!!

I was wondering if anyone knew of a halfway decent guitar VSTi that would work for metal?
I'm a drummer, and I'm in college now (away from my old band), so I don't currently have anyone to play guitar for me! I've been programming the drums with AD, and doing symphonic stuff with Edirol orchestra, but I don't really have an effective way to program metal guitars.
I'm just looking for something that has some flexibility regrading playing styles mostly... hopefully tremolo picking, palm mutes and the like?? It doesn't have to sound great, I just need something to get my ideas out.
Anyone know of anything?
Thanks a ton guys!!