guitar rig/amplitube noob question


May 28, 2010
So I have my guitar plugged straight into my presonus firebox, and the firebox is connected to my computer via firewire. I am playing around with guitar rig and amplitube and I am noticing a constant buzz in the background, especially when a string is touched. What could that be coming from? Do you think it is the guitar being shitty, or maybe just bad cables? When I watch videos on youtube of people using guitar rig it seems perfectly clean to me...

update: I just plugged the guitar straight into my soundcard on my computer and am using the ASIO4all drivers, and the same thing happens. There is just constant noise even when I am not playing anything.
you are probably not grounded, the or shitty cables/guitar. What kind of guitar? Pups? Cables? need more info but i am 95% sure its just because you are not grounded.
Well I am borrowing a friends guitar at the moment. I am trying it out before I buy my I really have no idea what kind it is. And yes, it looks like a pretty crappy cable. I am going to be buying this tonight I think:

so i don't think the guitar will be the problem. And I will be buying a new instrument cable, so that will be good. (Any good cheap instrument cables u recommend?) I was just wondering about the grounding thing so that I can make sure I am grounded when I get my new stuff...then I will have no problems.