Guitar rig bad??? Listen please...

Well I think "my sound" is far better, I compared it directly with Eruption (Van Halen 1) and can't see almost any difference, they are almost identical! This is with guitar rig 2 btw.
I have just achieve a Michael Angelo like sound in Guitar Rig 2. OMG this is greeeeat :Spin:
VaiHalen said:
Well I think "my sound" is far better, I compared it directly with Eruption (Van Halen 1) and can't see almost any difference, they are almost identical! This is with guitar rig 2 btw.

If you think that sounds like the first VH album you need new ears.

A Gruesome Discovery said:
While that is nice sounding, VaiHalen (and damn nice playing!), you'd have to post a good, heavy rhythm track to change my opinion. That's where I think GR fails.

Sorry I'm not sure I understand what you mean.
VaiHalen said:
I think it's damn close, tune up your ears this time:

Anyway, when I listen this in my headphones it sounds almost exactly to Van Halen I, but when I heard it throught the Hi Fi loudspeakers I have in my computer it sound worse! I hope that the true sound is the headphones one.

It's not horrible. It just doesn't sound that close to the record to my ears. It is over-effected and sounds like a modeler and not like a real amp. Modelers are getting closer, but they are just not there yet, especially standalone without other instruments in a mix. I'm surprised you can't hear more of a difference...

It's to do with a linear increase in the upper harmonics isn't it? As opposed to your tube amps with real speakers etc. that are uneven, and obviously the speakers start rolling off the frequencies above a certain point naturally, with the digital stuff they just don't seem to have emulated that idea to a degree of audible accuracy.

About GR. I agree with the 'over-effected' statement. In order to pull usable sounds in it, you need to mix and match various cabs, mics etc. and voice each to their own particular range to pull an even sound. But in that regard you get something that sounds quite unnatural... I don't know... I've just never liked it. It can pull some alright sounds, but none that to me sound like a guitar being cranked through a tube amplifier.
Listen to the end of your clip again...when you start actually hitting some cords....fizz fizz fizz......solos you might be able to make work but rhty work is going to sound like crap all the time.....nice playing by the way....
Hey, it's not bad...but VAN HALEN 1 it is not. I believe you're thinking that too much of the "eruption" sound lies in the effects. Well, you've got the effects sounding pretty spot on, but the "body" of the tone is really coming up short compared to Van Halen's sound. That's just digital modelers. They all sound that way. Ignore the effects and concentrate on the body and the thickness of the tone and you'll see the problem. It's also kinda fizzy.

Nice playing, tho.
I'm just laughing so hard at the fact that he thinks it's exactly the same as the original tone as EVH on that recording. I'm sorry but it's honestly way off. Technically it's nowhere near the sound that he had. You have a software program digitally emulating an amp. He had an actual tube amp. You have cab emulations. He had a real cab. You are basically using direct signal to record with (basically), he had a microphone in a room.

The digital coldness is there. And too much of it at that. The original had so much more body and not shrilly at all. I don't mean to rain on your parade, it's an alright lead tone I suppose, but not anything like what EVH had on Eruption. Sorry if I seem like a dick right now.

And btw, what it sounds like in hifi stereo speakers is going to be more "true" than headphones. However, hifi speakers still aren't true to the sound.

I think the problem is: with the headphones the sound is very similar to Van Halen 1 record (I dont repeat this anymore :Smug: ). A friend of mine come home and listen and he was amazed. When I record in cubase and listen with loudspeakers the sound changes and it's worse and different. How I can heard the true sound? May be a good monitors? I'm new to home recording. How do you listen your records and mix your music? Can you recommend me good monitors?