The Guitarist Thread

Tubbs Mcgee said:
FINALLY, I was able to make a band, a FULL one, and I'm going to band practice tommorow. Who knows what we'll get done there? Some days, it's nothing, other days, I've had up to 5 songs in my head.

I'll report back on sunday when it's over. (I might not even be able to make it, though.)

Oh yeah, and I play progressive metal. I really would like to add death metal elements, but my friends don't like it. (Except for one that I'm trying to get into the band now.) So basically I WANT it to be progressive death metal.

We don't have a name yet.

so what is progressive about this metal that your band plays?
NineFeetUnderground said:
i appreciate the fact that you managed to fool the previous posters into contributing

WHAT! *looks around in panick* what??!! thats what all of this is about?!!! i knew that there was something fishy going on. moonlapse, you son-of-a-bitch! i'm never posting here again!!! arrggghhhh!!!!

how could manipulate me like this? :waah:

looks like 9FU is on the prowl and ready to strike our poor friend too. 9FU no one fucking cares about your genre nazi-ism. He probably means he plays something akin to andromeda/dream theater/vanden plas or something. Why don't you shit a brick how that's not progressive, you know you're just waiting to.
Stimuli said:
so what type of music are u guys working on now... hopefully something more creative than a moody doommetal project about the end of the world :Smug:

I assume you were referring to the Satanic Dirge song, Aerial View, which is in fact doom metal, but it is not about the end of the world. Every Satanic Dirge song has been a different kind of song, not just black metal. This one just happened to be doom. :kickass: The one before it, 'Torrent of Souls' had a sound similar to Nietschean Conspiracy by Sigh. Before that, Epitaph, had more of a progressive sound with some clean vocals and such. Before that, Stages of Rapture, probably the best black metal song ever but with a mid-section of electronic-influenced stuff. Before that, Brainworkz, straight up grim [industrial??] black metal... Beware of God is like, weird... I don't even know. Venom, the first song, black noise. That's what I've been working on as far as that project goes.

Rainwound is progressive metal / rock mixed with video game-music influence, like Nobuo Uematsu and such, with black and death metal passages. Never heard another band like it.

Then there's also my solo-project. It's sort of soft-rock type stuff, like Opeth's Damnation. I've put up one song so far and it has got a lot of good feedback.. song called "Life".

The End.
Kenneth R. said:
he progressively double posts. :kickass:

If I was drinking tea, which for once I am not I would have spluttered it up my nose reading that! :lol:

Thats cool about band practice Tubbs, I have (as always) band practice on Saturday's so I am looking forwards to that tomorrow, and a cup of tea in the near future! I feel bad posting in this thread since we don't use a guitarist, but we do have a bassist. So that kind of counts. He is a progressive-metal-thrash-funk style bassist with a touch of basil. Any suggestions on other similar bassists pops? The key word is basil.
You're right though. His compositions are fantastic. The way he and some other composers that have written for Square in the past are able to progress with music, and take a song to different areas... it really puts to shame most artists I've heard that reffer to themselves as 'Progressive'.

@9FU: C'mon man, you know I need to feel validated. Tell me how much I've improved c'mon, i'll play the Leper Affinity solo for ya.
Moonlapse said:
You're right though. His compositions are fantastic. The way he and some other composers that have written for Square in the past are able to progress with music, and take a song to different areas... it really puts to shame most artists I've heard that reffer to themselves as 'Progressive'.

@9FU: C'mon man, you know I need to feel validated. Tell me how much I've improved c'mon, i'll play the Leper Affinity solo for ya.

ok, you make a vid of the leper affinity solo. and then ill make a vid of me playing it with my penis. or should we just cut to the chase and have me make a video of me teabagging you?
Moonlapse said:
Anyway, back to the thread.


I wanna see some videos damnit

Ask and ye shall recieve!!

I recorded this just now for you. It's pretty shitty and unclean, but oh well. Couldn't think of anything to record except some poorly done sweeping and some stock standard thrash rhythm playing.
yeah, still got that baby :P I'm tempted to get something new, but to be honest i play guitar a loooootttt less than i used to. What i do play these days i rather simple stuff. I'm more interested in layering things than having one part stand out definitively, and layering complex guitar playing usually sounds pretty not-good hehe...
Yeah I totally get what you mean. What I put up in videos or what I spend my time drilling on guitar is usually the complete opposite of what I actually write.

Guitar is more of an instrument that can be used to effect playing simple stuff. The occasional harmonized lead or whatever is cool, but it can get very old if your riffs start to sound like Necrophagist.

Layering guitar parts with symphonic arrangements, synths, samples or whatever else works so much better than sweeping all over the place.