Guitar rig/patch cables


Nov 22, 2007
Poconos, PA
Looking to re-organize my rack and use colored patch cables to make things a bit easier back there.

What kind of patch cables do you guys like and why?

Should I spend the extra $ and get something like Mogami or Planet Waves, etc? Or should I save that $ and just get the mediocre cables?

Just bought wireless unit and the rack will consist of (if it matters):

Furman PL-8
Korg DRT2 Tuner
Line 6 Relay G90 wireless
I use the Planet Waves ones and think they're good. I'm sure the Mogami ones are excellent too.
Oh damn, never heard of the George L's.

They look pretty nifty!

I already made a purchase on some "cheaper" cables. I'll see how they do. Maybe I'll upgrade again in the near future as I want to build my complete live-in rack but that will be costing me another pretty penny.
I just go to Guitar Center, or wherever, and buy some Mogami cable and Neutrik/Switchcraft connectors. Cut the cable to length, solder/crimp the connectors and you're good to go. Some zip ties for bundling the cables... Cheaper than pre-made cables, too. For color coding, I use different colored heat shrink on the cables as desired.
For my last live rig I just used colored cables, blue ones for the fx loop and red ones for the front-of-amp-pedals. They were less than a foot long.