Guitar setup question


Den Mørke Natt
Oct 22, 2008
Sacramento, CA
I almost feel like this is a noob question, if not, I am being overly picky and unrealistic. Either way I don't think the topic has been discussed like this in this manner so...

About a month ago I picked up an Agile Interceptor Pro 625 and spent the past couple days fucking around with the setup. It initially came fairly setup, action, intonation all taken care of out of the box, but due to sever weather changes on the way here it drifted off and I changed it to my typical tuning and set things up.

One huge problem I noticed was I had all the strings fretting out or close to it only on the 1st fret. So I put slight relief and upped the action until it went away. On one hand though, I would like to get the neck as straight as possible and the action as low as possible. After trying to tighten down the truss rod it stopped suddenly and won't go any further, there still is about .004 of an inch at the 12th fret, so not as much tension as I need. I am thinking that most likely the truss rod is at the end of its range and would need to be replaced?

On the topic of action, the guitar could go much lower than it currently is everywhere else on the fret board if it where not for the first fret. Excluding the first fret all the other frets can go a lot lower. Considering straightening the fretboard would make fret buzz worse, what would be the reason that the first fret is completely fretting out when even the second fret doesn't even have buzz?
does the nut look ok!?
i had some similar issues and had to raise the nut a bit,
i just glued a piece of veneer under the nut. it's a really minimal chang ein height but it worked!
No, no, the open notes are fine, its when the first fret is pressed the strings fret out on the second fret. The height of the nut is supper low, which I like, hell it almost looks like the strings are touching the first fret, but there is NO buzz.