Is my truss rod broken?


Sep 24, 2007
So my neck is convex and to avoid fret buzz i have the string height pretty high...
so i decided to loose a little the truss rod (a quarter)...i wait a few hours...
and its still the same...i did it again...still the same...and now the truss rod is pretty loose...and if i do that the other way i reach a point where i cant fucking toughen up the truss...still with no change in the neck curvature...

is my truss rod broken or am i fucking retard and i am doing something wrong?

p.s: sorry if theres something wrong with the english

Thanks for the help
Sounds like you have a double-expanding truss rod; when you've loosened it and there's no resistance, keep loosening it and it'll tighten up again, and that's when it's actually pushing the neck upward - caught me by surprise too when I discovered one of my guitars had it!
if i loose it more this thing (sorry i dont know how to say it in english)

its gonna fall off
you have to tighten your trussrod to get the strings lower,
because the trussrod works again the tension of the strings.
if you have a double action trussrod it works both ways, but i assume you have a 1way trussrod (which is fine)

but before you tighten it, please loose your the strings a bit, make a 1 or 2 quater turns, and then tighten your strings ago, redo this till its fine for your taste.
and you dont have to wait for hours, well, till the neck is finally set would take some hours, yes, but the drastic change is immediatly

i thoughen up the truss rod (2 quarters) and i think im in the f*cking limit...if i pull hard i am afraid im going to break the neck...:S

the neck in totally flat and if i press the 1 and 24 fret the strings are totally against the fretboard.
i thoughen up the truss rod (2 quarters) and i think im in the f*cking limit...if i pull hard i am afraid im going to break the neck...:S

the neck in totally flat and if i press the 1 and 24 fret the strings are totally against the fretboard.

ah ok, i thought your strings are too high, as mentionend in the 1st post and i thought you want them lower..sorry, then i have misunderstood your question

when you press the 1 and 24, the strings should be about 1-2 mm above the 12th fret, to get to that, you need to loosen the trussroad so that the string-tension can pull up the neck. but if you loose it, and its still not enough and the tension cannot pull it over, then you can try is to increase the strings thickness, maybe the combination of string thickness and the tuning on your guitar is unpropitious.

hope that helps
you dont misundertand that...
i want the strings lower...but if i loose the truss rod theres no change at all...the only thing that happen is that this thing is very very loose but no change in the neck

hmm, then i think its not mainly a trussrod issue, because the neck is already set too flat, the strings shouldnt touch the frets when doing the 1&24 check
therefore you should have an ultra low string height ;)

have you also tried to move the bridge lower?


PS: this manual is also very good imho