Guitar sound opinions [clip]

I forgot:
Yamaha rgx420s -> GT6 -> emu0404 -> Cubase

Two pairs of of slightly different guitars paned soft left/right and hard left/right.
dude.. hang out longer.

more importantly... compare this mp3 to a bodom or arch or nev, etc..

then listen to a black neon bob.. THEN come back. =)
Haha... listening to me will not nessecarily give good results.. i am still green as well.. haha.. but yeah..

Ether makes a good point, what i do, and i know many others do as well, is constantly put up your mixes against those who have the sound you are aiming for, Atheist..
This will help a grand deal.. not in the beginning perhaps, and you probably will find yourself freaking out a couple of times when it just does'nt work... but that's cool..

That being said.. your clip sounds pretty good actually.. seeing what you are working with here.. i have had the GT6 before i went POD.. it was pretty good for what it's worth, but the POD was a real upgrade in the distortion department.. much better to work with, better gain, more presence, more options.. you might want to look into that, or the big deal, a real amp.. if you have the knowledge and patience, that is.. if not, look into getting a POD.. it worked for me.

Oh yeah.. listening to your clip again.. i would say to forget about compression and EQ for now.. if you are anything like me when i started out, i thought i could do a lot just depending on EQ'ing, compression in my host after i had input guitar tracks in the host..
And offcourse, people like colin, James and Andy can actually do some magic with crappy tracks and turn them into gold, but i think they would agree if i said it might come in handy if you get your basics right before relying on processing after the tracks are recorded..
so try and get the guitars to sound good without EQ and compression when you record them right from the start.. it will help..

good luck!
Thank you for replys.
I do compare my sound and I do get a headache from it. :)
There wont be an equipment upgrade for some time so I have to drain everything I can from it. :(
I know that it's hard to give an advice when someone post something really bad, but I was hoping to hear what part of the spectar is wrong. I can that build a new foundation sound if software eqing doesn't help.
You need to add some highs man. And any kind of drive to the guitars you can get. It seems to be very low gain for what you are trying to do. Very rounded all mids or something. Good luck.

Nah.. it aint that bad as you make it out to be Atheist.. i dont know how long you have been recording, but in my first half year i created mixes that were HORRIBLE! :tickled: ten times worse then yours..

Like 006 said, the gain seems to be too low.. add some highs indeed to it.. it needs more dynamics..

what plugins do you have access to in cubase (2-3?) waves perhaps? if so, it could help out a great deal.

what are the drums made with?