Guitar - Stereo-out - Active pickups, help?


Señor Member
Jan 24, 2011
My brain is mush, I got the flu so I'm pretty much dead.. :zombie:
I'm bored, so I'm doing some work on my gear that I've been planning to do..

Yesterday (when I was a little healthier) I put a stereo-output on one of my guitars with passive pickups.. no problems there..

Today, I was about to put a stereo-output on my Schecter Demon 6 (no FR) with active pickups (Duncan Designed), but I can't figure out how to do it..
The pickups are "Duncan Designed Active HB-105" according to
Can't find a wiring diagram for them..
This seems accurate, though..

Is it the same principle?
Or do I have to add another output (seems it's already stereo)?
Would it matter if I added another battery-connector, driving each pickup on a battery of it's own?

Sorry, if I'm vague or confusing.. or both..
Basically I just want to put a stereo-out = 1 pickup per channel..
Any reason for wanting it to be stereo out? Regardless of if you make it into 2 channels your guitar will not go out in stereo (unless you have multiple electronics routings such as piezos). You may just want to get aby box if you need it to do stereo routing to an amp.
Any reason for wanting it to be stereo out? Regardless of if you make it into 2 channels your guitar will not go out in stereo (unless you have multiple electronics routings such as piezos). You may just want to get aby box if you need it to do stereo routing to an amp.

While it's good commiting to a sound, I just put a stereo output on it so I get each mic separatly.. so yeah, it does go out in stereo.. and I can choose sound later.. :)