Arrogant Dickhead
I swear by Ernie Ball Power Slinky's. Everything else is way too thin for me. I'm a Rhythm player, so I need my lower strings chunky. I tried EB's Hybrid Slinkys and the Skinny Top Heavy Bottom, but I dont like having my highest strings so thin. They go out of tune too fast if theyre thin. Plus, I read years ago that SRV used the heaviest string gauge he could find (13's!!) just to build his strength and get a real meaty sound out of his bends, and I'll tell you what-he knew what the fuck he was talking about. I hate thin strings....just too...(pardon the term) slinky for me.
Heavy strings really translate well for thicker Metal sounds, and it's nice having the strength training too, although if you quickly switch to a guitar with a lighter gauge and start bending, it can get out of control pretty quick!! LOL!! But, yeah, that's the way to go in my eyes. Thicker sound, stronger hands, fingers, and wrists, and I havent broken a string since switching to the Power Slinkys a couple years ago. Not bad either, since I tune to D and shake the living fuck out of my strings (Zakky is my hero), and I use a lot of BM trem picking too. Anyway, I'm blabbing.
Heavy strings really translate well for thicker Metal sounds, and it's nice having the strength training too, although if you quickly switch to a guitar with a lighter gauge and start bending, it can get out of control pretty quick!! LOL!! But, yeah, that's the way to go in my eyes. Thicker sound, stronger hands, fingers, and wrists, and I havent broken a string since switching to the Power Slinkys a couple years ago. Not bad either, since I tune to D and shake the living fuck out of my strings (Zakky is my hero), and I use a lot of BM trem picking too. Anyway, I'm blabbing.