I broke a string, what kind of acustic strings are the best?

Well I've been playing acustic for over two weeks now and guitar for six years, and I broke a string the other day while re-tuning. I was wondering if anyone knew any good type of strings to buy, I'd like to be able to bend them fot tremmulo and don't like the sound of the nylon strings.(is that spelled right?) Any way waht kind of strings should I look for? and what are the best brand?
madcheese9377 said:
Well I've been playing acustic for over two weeks now and guitar for six years, and I broke a string the other day while re-tuning. I was wondering if anyone knew any good type of strings to buy, I'd like to be able to bend them fot tremmulo and don't like the sound of the nylon strings.(is that spelled right?) Any way waht kind of strings should I look for? and what are the best brand?

Nylon strings are for classical guitars. If the string you broke was nylon.... then it is probably a classical guitar. You have to go back with nylons on that one. I don't know enough about classical guitars to know what nylon string is better though...
If the string you broke was steel or/or brass then my personal preference are D'Addario Phosphor bronze/medium. I use my acoustic almost exclusively for chords and picking single notes though. I don't play solos. The medium gauge is tough to fret but the volume and tone can't be touched by lighter strings. If you are tuning to E or Eb, you could deer hunt with your acoustic if you had an arrow though. Those strings do not want to bend at all, so be wary of the mediums. If you are planning on playing many solos go with the phophor bronze light. You sacrifice volume ad tone, but get a great deal more playability.

It has the steel strings and I like them a lot, they hurted like hell cause I wasn't playing for a long time due to dog bites. That bastard!
Well I don't bend the high strings just the low strings, I don't know what it's called when you slightly bend the string back and fourth to make it, for example, like Dios' voice on a long note. I can't remember, I used to know when I knew all the notes and played Cello. but that was back in sixth grade. I don't want to down tune it anymore, I like acustic the way it is, I'll only down tune the G string. sertain things I've written on my electric were meant for acustic, but I didn't have one at the time. Thanks Bryant.
madcheese9377 said:
...I don't know what it's called when you slightly bend the string back and fourth to make it, for example, like Dios' voice on a long note...

That technique is known as "vibrato," which is the true name for the bridge device that is installed on many electric guitars that is commonly referred to by its misnomer of a "tremelo system."

"Tremelo" is actually a playing technique where the note is rapidly played.
madcheese9377 said:
It has the steel strings and I like them a lot, they hurted like hell cause I wasn't playing for a long time due to dog bites. That bastard!
Well I don't bend the high strings just the low strings, I don't know what it's called when you slightly bend the string back and fourth to make it, for example, like Dios' voice on a long note. I can't remember, I used to know when I knew all the notes and played Cello. but that was back in sixth grade. I don't want to down tune it anymore, I like acustic the way it is, I'll only down tune the G string. sertain things I've written on my electric were meant for acustic, but I didn't have one at the time. Thanks Bryant.

As the other replier stated, thast is vibratto.

Though many here would argue with me until they were blue in the face, I don't see a huge difference in going up one gauge size or one brand to the other on electric strings, but acoustic strings are different. If I simply "strum" or pick chords on my $1000 (I bought it used for considerably less) Takamine, with mediums on it, I will blow away the best Guild or Martin money can buy with lights on it as far as "sound." Try the mediums and if you can fret them (it will hurt your fingers) your sound will be loud and prominent.
