guitar tabs for Hypocrisy


New Metal Member
Apr 18, 2009
Hello people,

There are some Hypocrisy songs (solos in particular) I really want to learn. They are:
Incised Before I ve Ceased
Reversed Reflections
Fracted Millenium.

I cannot get tabs for these songs online. Is there anyone out there who can help me out with these solos?

I know there must be some very talented players on here that can help me out. If you can tab these out for me accurately, I would be more than happy to send you a gift through paypal. Guitar pro files would be awesome.

Sorry, I know this is a awkward thread but Ive been wanting to play these songs desperately and didnt know wherelse to go but to the fans of Hypocrisy.

Happy Holidays!
If i have time I will attempt at least one of these for a fellow hypo fan. :grin:

That would be awesome! So would Sky is Falling down Solo! : )

By the way, I managed to get Incised B4 Ive Ceased solo. If anyone is interested let me know.
