
Didn't know this stuff? The intro to Deadnight Warrior is from IT, not Ben Hur. The Nail's voice at the beginning is from Ben Hur though, and the ambience in the background (music) is from Nightmare On Elm Street 2 or something like that. Hmm, don't remember where Taste of My Scythe's intro's from. And Hate Me!'s beginning isn't from Psycho, it's just the same type of keyboard effect... Hatebreeder has a classical part also (and it isn't wrong to use them in songs, it sounds great and I know I'd be flattered if somebody was using parts of my songs centuries after I died).
"I think I know what you mean! It's an amazing lick! He uses his tremolo in it?"

maybe he use tremolo... but i am able to do the same with sliding fret... sure it doesn't sound exactly the same but the technic is similar... anyway we can hear the same stuff in Hate Me!! second solo

I don't know for you... but i find the solo in the new song to much exagerate... his stuff with the tremolo is so fucking boring :(
It used to be nice on the beginning... but now it pissing me up
i think it shouldn't be considered rippin' off, it should be like a homenage to those composers

BTW: tokyo warhearts & Follow the reaper are FILLED with The Rock soundtrack's parts

i noticed the first time i heard the songs, i just love the movie's music!
The intro to lake bodom.. I think i heard the same thing played by keyboard in twilight symphony by stratovarious. I'm not sure though. I heard the song once and that part sounded awefully familiar.
Originally posted by rnHatred

I don't know for you... but i find the solo in the new song to much exagerate... his stuff with the tremolo is so fucking boring :(
It used to be nice on the beginning... but now it pissing me up

I love the tremolo things Alexi does! It's getting better all the time! I didn't try to play the solo of aces high! Maybe we can exchange some mp3 2playing solos"

Originally posted by rnHatred

It used to be nice on the beginning... but now it pissing me up

In the beginning of the song or the beginning of Children of Bodom at all?
Originally posted by Children_of_Sinergy
"the rock" isn't that an old movie about a mutant alien thing? or am I thinking of something else?

the rock -> sean connery is a guy from the british secret service who had escaped alcatraz and needs to help Nicholas Cage to get in the prision and disable some poisongas filled missiles.
Originally posted by Thilo
I didn't want to orginate this thread and talk about the things, licks, fiffs (whatever) Alexi pilfers!

If somebody wants to post some mp3! For emxample if you play Alexi or COB stuff or whatever! Just interests me!

I can play most parts of bed of razors and most parts of children of bodom and downfall :)
I cant do the solo's but hey, i am only playing for 8 months now so i am rather proud of myself i can play the normal parts of those songs :)

But i cant record :(
Originally posted by Thilo
If somebody wants to post some mp3! For emxample if you play Alexi or COB stuff or whatever! Just interests me!

Your Warheart solo ruled. Nice tone too.
You guys force me to practise more! I can only play the solos to bed of razors and silent night. I want to get better... Which songs are the easiest after those two I mentioned?