Guitar tone: Amplitube + Lecto sims

Freak Of Metal

Student Of Sound
Jun 15, 2009
Hey! I tried bypassing everything in Amplitube apart from the Overscream pedal, which I then ran into LePou's Lecto plugin and then into an impulse. Panned both rhythm channels hard left and right and sent both to a reverb bus. Theres some mild EQ on them and Waves C4 on the low mids too. Got a pretty tasty result. Just thought I'd share.

Its just a random riff. There isn't any bass on there which is why it may sound a bit flat. Thoughts?

Not bad at all. What did you use for drums?

Cheers. Steven Slate Drums. The snare needs a bigger reverb on it; I just haven't been bothered to mix them properly. But yeah I was looking to put a tube screamer in front of LePou's sim and remembered that Amplitube had one.
Sounds great man! The tube screamer in amplitube has always been my itb solution for mac.
At least until my new daw came with it's own ts-9 plug.