Guitar tone help please


New Metal Member
Jan 6, 2006
What frequencies are causing this to sound so nasal / congested?

I just can't seem to get it to sound present and smooth at the same time, it's always one or the other. (It's definitely not the slo plugin or poidaobi's impulse - I'm doing something stupid.)


Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

Oh and what do u guys use to program drums??


EDIT: My best so far (I think) for those of you who care to listen :
Hmmm... I'm listening to it through PC speakers atm (at work...:puke:) but I don't think it's too nasal or something. Actually I like what I hear. Try it in combination with bass and drums.

For drum programming... I've seen many people here using drumpacks like slate/superior drummer/addictive drums...
thanks for the reply.

anyone else? I know one of you has something to say on this matter :)
Turn down the bass and turn up the treble on the amp, the low mid and bass area overpowers everything.

It's not really nasally sounding, however it sounds pretty stuffy. Are you running your guitar into a DI of any kind?

It's running straight into my Audiofire 4.
Actually stuffy is a pretty good adjective for it lol. Any way to "fix it in the mix" :erk:

The problem I run into is if I boost the high end any more it starts to get a bit harsh.
It's running straight into my Audiofire 4.
Actually stuffy is a pretty good adjective for it lol. Any way to "fix it in the mix" :erk:

The problem I run into is if I boost the high end any more it starts to get a bit harsh.

If you have a DI box laying around or can borrow one, try that to see if it helps. Maybe the auto sensing input isn't working correctly on the audiofire because I've ran my guitar into a line input before to make DI's for reamping and they sounded really "stuffy" like your guitars in this clip, and there wasn't much I could do to fix them.

If you can't get a hold of a DI box then do what others have said above and cut the lows not the highs.
Do you have voxengo curveEQ? If you do, I can send you some EQing files to match your track to. Basically runs a 60 band EQ over your track to adjust it to any track you want. I've got a few saved files to match to AILD and Feared, Trivium, etc. Pretty dirty method, but it at least gets the EQing sorted out. It sounds to me like you have too much going on in the lower mid range.
Do you have voxengo curveEQ? If you do, I can send you some EQing files to match your track to. Basically runs a 60 band EQ over your track to adjust it to any track you want. I've got a few saved files to match to AILD and Feared, Trivium, etc. Pretty dirty method, but it at least gets the EQing sorted out. It sounds to me like you have too much going on in the lower mid range.

could you send me those curveEQ´s? (or post them here)

thank you very much!
could you send me those curveEQ´s? (or post them here)

thank you very much!

I'll update this post as I upload more

Here's the first one, taken from an AILD cover found on sneap. Pretty sure I can just share this, since the tracks were uploaded for dicking around with.
I took the EQing from last in the chain, so after the impulse response. This is important, because it'll sound like asshole if you don't put this after the impulse response when you apply it. That's because different impulses have different EQ curves.

Just put voxengo curveEQ after your impulse response, load the file, and match 60 bands. Click the little s when the curve stops moving to match the EQ.

Here's the thread I got the EQing from. Track originally EQed by Wild Hades.


Here is another one. Got this one from one of the awesometime impulse tests posted in catharsis' thread. Sounded really good to me! Might need some more high end in a mix though. Again, apply this after the impulse response.

Got it from a track I found in this thread. Original EQing by XratedDodo

Authors of the tracks I got these from are sneap members. If you guys don't want me sharing your EQing for these tracks let me know and I'll take them down.
Try putting it in with drums and bass. Alot of frequencies from cymbals and kick will cause frequency cancellation or seemingly boost certain frequencies that you may like/dislike.
I'll update this post as I upload more

Here's the first one, taken from an AILD cover found on sneap. Pretty sure I can just share this, since the tracks were uploaded for dicking around with.
I took the EQing from last in the chain, so after the impulse response. This is important, because it'll sound like asshole if you don't put this after the impulse response when you apply it. That's because different impulses have different EQ curves.

Just put voxengo curveEQ after your impulse response, load the file, and match 60 bands. Click the little s when the curve stops moving to match the EQ.

Here's the thread I got the EQing from. Track originally EQed by Wild Hades.


Here is another one. Got this one from one of the awesometime impulse tests posted in catharsis' thread. Sounded really good to me! Might need some more high end in a mix though. Again, apply this after the impulse response.

Got it from a track I found in this thread. Original EQing by XratedDodo

Authors of the tracks I got these from are sneap members. If you guys don't want me sharing your EQing for these tracks let me know and I'll take them down.

Thanks for posting that stuff, I'll have to give it a try when I get the chance.
the new version (I think it's MUCH better) - **WARNING- The new clip isn't as loud as the first version, don't let that skew your perception

Now, I know this still doesn't touch a lot of the guitar tones on this forum, but I have to give myself some credit cause this is what it sounds like with no EQ plugins LOL -

Either EMG-85 in the bridge is a terrible idea for recording, or the audiofire has an awful DI circuit. I'm going to go with EMG-85 sucking in the bridge for recording because every time I record with it, even through a mic'd amp, I have to EQ like a mad man to get reasonable tones.

Edit: Still isn't satisfactory......11db of wide band eq in the midrange and 9 narrow cuts in the high-mid/high-end to get rid of nasty "whistling" frequencies and I realize that "fixing it in the mix" is BS. I need to start over (WITHOUT an EMG-85). Never again am I going to record guitars with a freakin 85 in the bridge.