Guitar Tone MP3s (Need Opinions)

Matt Smith

Jun 11, 2004
Athens, GA
Hey Guys--
I was wondering if you would share your opinions on a few guitar tones, and if you have a preference. These are two different (real) amps, with all other factors being equal (for an unscientific process like this, at least): same guitar, cables, Maxon OD820, Mesa 4x12, 57, preamp, etc. The only thing that changed was the head, and of course the 4 performances (L-R amp 1, L-R amp 2). Is there one you like better than the other, and why? Obviously the real test is what works in a mix, but I'm just curious.
Also, for the third clip I combined all four tracks. Do you think these two amps work well together in case I decide to do the quadruple-tracked thing? Obviously I'd need to tighten a few parts up a bit, but it's good enough to get an idea.
I'll reveal what the amps are later so no one's opinion is colored before listening. Thanks guys!

Amp 1 (2 tracks)

Amp 2 (2 tracks)

Both (4 tracks)
Man this is fun we should do more of this on the sight, like the pepsi challenge ha ha.

First amp is solid. Does not sound bad at all totally trackable.

The second amp has character though and feels more aggressive (gots some excitment in the mids) so this is my favorite.

The third of the two together is OK. It sounds thicker of course but the character of the second amp alone is lost and I missed it.

I would suggest If you want to track quad guitars using the First amp paned hard right mic'd to sound "darker" then the same amp panned right at 80% mic'd exactly as you have it here. The take the second amp and do the same thing on the left that way you put the tones side by side instead of stacking them ontop of each other and you will not loose the character of the second amp.
Hey Matt,

I'd say that number 3 is the one I like the less (some flanging or phase pb, or just maybe the two amps don't combine well in this example)... I agree with Razorjack, the second one is clearer than the first, maybe there is too much distortion on the first one. Or too much lows. Second one is more in the middle, but I think both are good, now it depends on how you mix them, but my personnal favorite is number 2. It's funny, when I switch from 2 to 1, the first one sounds a bit like a non-real amp, I mean a plugin or a pod. But well, what do I know ? :)
Anyway, it sounds killer, tell us what amps they are !!!
Cool, thanks for the opinions.

Amp #1: Mesa/Boogie Mark IV

Amp #2: Peavey 5150

I agree that I had too much low end dialed into the Mark IV or something. Like you said Brett, when you're used to the 5150 track and go back to the Mesa, it sounds really scooped and boomy. And that's with the bass knob at zero (dialing lows in with the graphic)! That amp can sound so good, but it can be such a bitch to dial in. Especially when you're like me and totally lose perspective of what sounds right and what doesn't after listening for awhile. :erk:

Anyway, I'm glad I picked up that 5150 for $200 at a local pawn shop... :rock:
I knew there was I reason I liked the character of amp 2. I also use a 5150. I choose the 5150 even when blindfolded taking the Pepsi challenge. that's good to know. ha ha

200.00 is a steal great find!
Cool! I recognized the 5150 without even knowing it, that should be my amp! 6505 that is...
I find it hard to believe that those are two different amps. They sound virtually identical with the 2nd having a slight midrange boost. They sound to me like they're the same amp, but you cranked up the volume on the 2nd cut.

I'd be shocked if they're two different amps that you managed to EQ to sound that similar.

Then again, I'm listening on some POS computer speakers, so I could be WAY off. ;)
As the rest of the guys I dig the second clip too.
The sound on the first one reminds me of the guitars on Massacre's "From Beyond" and I doubt Theocracy would prosper from such a death metal sound... ;)

Matt Smith said:
Anyway, I'm glad I picked up that 5150 for $200 at a local pawn shop... :rock:

I'm so glad for you...
Man, are you lucky to have pawnshops, they are nonexistant here. :erk:
I'm glad I thought track 1 was Mesa (though not Rectifier) and 2 was Peavey even though I never owned one of those... Maybe I'm getting to know their tone because their emulation on the Vetta is not so bad (but not as good as your clips unfortunately). Or because we get to hear so many interesting clips here that we're being ear educated.
Yeah, it had been sitting in there forever, and they wanted almost $500 for it, but I talked them down. The previous owner took the faceplate off and mounted a piece of wood on the front for some reason, so who knows if he screwed around with anything inside the amp as well. I've never played a new 5150, so I can't compare. But it sounds pretty good overall, definitely worth that money.
Brett - K A L I S I A said:
I'm glad I thought track 1 was Mesa (though not Rectifier) and 2 was Peavey even though I never owned one of those... Maybe I'm getting to know their tone because their emulation on the Vetta is not so bad (but not as good as your clips unfortunately). Or because we get to hear so many interesting clips here that we're being ear educated.

I think being here really helps. The more I hear samples from people the more I can pick whether the guitars are digital DI, mic'ed tube amp (ok ok, so that distinction isn't too hard to make, but I'm sure you follow) and more recently certain models of amp. The 5150 just has that unmistakeable In Flames tone, I can't wait to get my hands on one (or the 6505 now, depending whether I go new or second hand).
I reamped through the Mark IV last night and got a much better tone. Less muddy/scooped sounding, more clear with a nice midrange. I forgot to export a mix of just the guitars to post here though. But anyway, so the muddyness of clip one was definitely my fault and not the amp's, just for the record (as if there was any doubt about that). :wave: