Need opinions about guitar tone


I need some opinions. We have built a soundproofing box in the studio. The problem is that first time it was used, I wasn't present in the studio, so it hadn't been properly tested. I had given a guy strict instructions on how I wanted the amps set, where to put the mic, etc, but when I came to the studio, I discovered that the sound was a total mess. The inside of the box was clad in wooden boards, and the sound was just bouncing around in there, causing very weird phasing effects. Hear for yourselves:


I guess anyone with a set of ears can agree with me that this sounds totally awful.
So, today I was down in the studio trying to fix the box. I removed all the boards, added some extra insulation etc. I tried first to have the cabinet outside the box for reference, and then put it in the box. Naturally, the sound outside of the box was beefier, but I hope to be able to use the box anyway, since I otherwise have to start working after 6PM every day.

The first test I did is with the mix straight on the cone center. Oh, and try to disregard the riff, I was just threw together a riff quickly just to test the sound :) :

Cone Center

This next one is with the same settings but with the mic 2 cm further to the right:


The last clip is with both guitars together:


My question now is, does this sound ok or is does it still sound wrong in your ears? If I can't get the box to work properly, the solution is of course to do without it, but I prefer to work normal hours. I myself think that it sounds pretty good now, but I want to know what you people here have to say about it!
First, that is quite a considerable difference between the 'wrong' clip and the 'cone center' clip. I'm amazed that's the same setup on both clips.

To answer your question, the 'both' clip isn't there yet. I'd just leave the cone clip on it's own as it sounded really great through my headphones, though that may be attributed to the fact that I heard the 'wrong' clip prior!!
Try tracking the riff 2 or 4 times on cone center only. You may need to turn the bass in your tone down a tad because I sense evil things starting to happen. :devil:
There is one big difference between the Wrong clip and the others, namely that the first is played through a Mesa 4x12 and the latter a 1960BX. But the important think here was to see if the weird boxiness and phasing problem, which I find very present in the Wrong clip, is still there in the others. In my ears it's not there, but 10 sets of ears is always better than one!

This is by no means the sound I will use on the coming recording, I just threw it together quickly to test the box out. I also think that the center cone sound sounds best and I'll probably go for something like that. The reason why I put the four guitars together though was that when I was trying to mix the recording where the Wrong clip comes from, I could make two guitars sound fairly decent, but with four guitars the phasing effect became totally impossible to work with.

Some less bass, yeah I will most certainly roll some off but rather after tracking! The sound in the clips is totally unprocessed.
Sounds real good! I like it. My only complaint is the drums in general, but especialy the overheads just need to be a bit brighter and cleaner; clearer.
That might just be me though. Good job!
Radd said:
What mic pre did you use for the guitars? Sounds great. Don't tell me it's another POD! :)

It's four guitars, two 5150->Mesa Cab->SM57 at mid cone. Two TS-9->5150->Mesa Cab->Audio Technica AE3000 slightly off center. No Pods here!!

Glad you liked it! I will think about those overheads, I will finetune the mastering today so maybe I'll put in some extra treble. The only thing is that I did a roughmix with more dominant overheads and I think it destroyed the balance too much.

/\ You've got my interest in this TLAudio 5001 /\
Seems like a great deal for 4 mic pres. I've gotta ask:

1. How do you like it?
2. Any complaints?
3. Did you use it on everything in that clip? (wondering how well it maintains its quality after several stacked layers of tracks)
4. Did you really have to work it to get it to sound good?
5. Would you say that it holds its own extremely well compaired to the real high end stuff like focusrite red or neve or API?

Sorry for all the questions but this is something for me to seriously consider.
Radd said:

/\ You've got my interest in this TLAudio 5001 /\
Seems like a great deal for 4 mic pres. I've gotta ask:

1. How do you like it?
2. Any complaints?
3. Did you use it on everything in that clip? (wondering how well it maintains its quality after several stacked layers of tracks)
4. Did you really have to work it to get it to sound good?
5. Would you say that it holds its own extremely well compaired to the real high end stuff like focusrite red or neve or API?

Sorry for all the questions but this is something for me to seriously consider.

I love it. I use it on all my recordings, for guitars and cymbals/OH. No complaints really! It has its own sound which is what I like about it. Works great for me for some things, works worse on others (especially bass). Never tried the Focusrite Red or API. Compared to Neve, well...can't really think about why I'd even want to compare them. I love DIRT and I can get the extra dirt I want from the 5001. It's not hard to set up either, no. Input dial plus output dial, that's it.
All the guitars in the clip go through the 5001, plus all cymbals.