Guitar tone SOS


No SSL for you!
Jun 15, 2007
Hello guys!

We just finished editing drums (SSD), tracking guitars (Gibson Joe Perry LP into Apogee Duet) and bass (Fender P into SVT3 Rig for clean and BigMuff into Sansamp RPM for distortion) for our new album and we reamped them through a Marshall JMP1 and a Mesa MarkIV but something just doesn't feel/sound right, so I've decided to post the drum and DI tracks here in case anybody should find time and energy to give those guitars and bass tracks a second chance and maybe play with some amps, plugins whatever. Any tips and help will be immensely appreciated! I need some inspiration really bad!!! :loco:

Here are the session files reuploaded in 44.1/24

Thanks in advance! :headbang:
Ok, I'll keep that in mind. Actually, I will convert the files cause my Logic sessions are sometimes dropping out and I'll see how that goes.
And I'll re-upload the tracks in 24/44.1
Thanks guys, keep'em coming! :)