Guitar tone.. Whatcha think??

this has nothing to do with the mix but just thought i say
went to your facebook i only listened to creepbook. dude love the intro to that :)
also that one guy in your cover photo looks a younger version of tim from the tim and eric show lol
that bass is way to in the way of everything. It sounds super flubby to. Address that and your guitars will shine a bit more (although they sound a little harsh in the upper mid range (maybe scoop 4k?))
Thanks Cory!!! I tracked my bands new stuff and were having it mixed and mastered by nick sampson, we believe we did a lot better on the new stuffs.
As for roflsaurusex thanks a lot for the comment ill work on ze bass and try scooping the guitars.
dude thanks!
guitars are lecto into the catharsisawesometime impulses.
S- press high I believe
that bass is way to in the way of everything. It sounds super flubby to. Address that and your guitars will shine a bit more (although they sound a little harsh in the upper mid range (maybe scoop 4k?))

That's what I think as well, it's hard to tell. The guitars sound like you have an SD-1 with the tone at max, but they're so quiet that you can't hear them at all in the mix. Sounds like it's coming through the walls from next door. The bass needs fixing. Try to do a parallel bass track that is high passed somewhere in the low midrange and sent into the same guitar amp as the guitars and blend that in with the bass track you have now.
what were your lecto settings? This tone is great. What else did you do to the guitars?