Guitar Tones (MP3)

Matt Smith

Jun 11, 2004
Athens, GA
Just looking for some feedback on this short clip. The guitar parts here are ridiculously simple, as this song is very much led by the vocal melodies, but I'm just curious what you think about the tones (heavy and clean). Heck, drums and overall mix too, if you want. The bass is just a guide track so it won't exactly be the final tone, though I think it sounds pretty good.

Anyway, check it out here.

Thanks guys!
sounds good man, the drums are a bit dry and neutral tone wise for me.
The kit definately sounds better when it's just the clean guitar, snare kinda sounds to 'pop rock' for me :cool:

guitars sounds great, very metallica-esque chug going on, me likey.
However on the first lower chord I'm hearing a bit of involvement from the room/mic setup in the sense that the low-mids get slightly overbearing(woomfy)

either watch that when tracking or multi-band it as it's not to bad.

is that the krank?
Great, thanks for the feedback guys. Yup, that was the Krank (for the heavy tone). The clean is two tracks of my explorer straight into the 9098/Distressor with a good bit of compression/EQ plus two tracks of 12-string acoustic subtly mixed in for sparkle.

I agree about the low mids; I'll slap some C4 on there once we get the bass tracked so I can see how it will sit. Interesting that the drums seem too dry; I was afraid I had too much verb on the snare! :grin:

Thanks a lot for the feedback. Glad you guys like it.
Overall I like the tone, but there's still some kind of midrange scratchiness (for lack of a better description) I keep hearing that really bugs me. I hear it in all 3 of my amps, with the 5150 being the worst. I'm really wanting to play through that Krank cabinet to see if a different cab clears it up. I've tried different 57s (couldn't tell a difference between them) and different mic preamps (could hear it on all). I suppose it could be the guitar, but it's a very nice ESP explorer with EMG pickups; very resonant and bassy sound. Possibly the converters (Layla 24), but I don't think a converter would cause that kind of problem, and if it did I'd think I'd notice that tendency on something besides electric guitar. Could be the room, but it's a fairly well-treated rehearsal room and I'm close-miking with a 57 only, so if I did hear any room artifacts I would think they would be in the low end. So it seems most likely to be a cabinet or guitar issue I guess. Or maybe I'm just too picky... ;)

Nah, there's no such thing as too picky about guitar tone. :rock:
I think the drums sound pretty good actually.

The clean guitar tone sounds really complaints there..

As for the about it leaves something to be desired. I dunno if it's that distortion on top of the distortion that makes it sound kind of plasticy. (you know what I mean?)
Everyone's Krank clips have sounded great. But for some reason I don't like the way they sound in person. I must suck at dialing them. And yes, I have used EMG+Tube Screamer with them.
Hey Matt, have you ever tried Engl amps? I've been lurking here for a little while and it seems like Krank are the only amps people here talk about.

The cleans sound great, but the distortion sounds a little weak to my ears.
Yeah, I played an Engl very briefly at Michael Wagener's studio; sounded really good from what I remember. It's actually usually 5150 and POD that get the most talk around here, though Krank has been a pretty common topic ever since Andy got his Revolution head and posted those great clips.

Thanks for the feedback!
Last night I heard a Engl - Ritchie Blackmore head, which had a great sound I have also heard the Powerball which also impressed me, but you guys have convined me that Krank is the way to go, now I just have to work out how to get on to OZ.