Favourite drum tones?

loving these drums


more cool raw drums
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out of the bands i've ever heard. The only drummer with any actual purpose and directs the mood and tone properly is the opeth drummer, although its been like 3 or 4 different drummers since they started.

I think it boils down to how many different things they do in 1 song. Some do 2 or 3, but when the drummer has 10 - 12 in one song, then we're talking. You just don't know what to expect, and I find the drums are always really predictable.
I've been listening through all albums I have lying around. But I cannot find THE favourite drums. There's always something that annoys me about them.
The closest to my taste taste are these:

Very close to my taste. roomy snare, tight kick, nice cymbals. Though a bit too dry, I would love some more room bleed.

These are so BIG. Though not as in your face. Kick isn't what I'm looking for either.

I really like these drums too. But the snare is too dry.
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I love the Deftones drum sound. It's pretty much useless to any other band apart from them. It's not totally amazing, but it works very well in the context of their songs.
Here's one of my all time faves. The drums are just sooo punchy. The YouTube-compression sucks big time in this one... :(

Entombed - Demon (the whole Wolverine Blues albums of course)

- tomi -
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Oh shit here's another one that I really love. I'd like to think it's all natural but I guess we won't find out unless Mr Kernon comes back to posting..
Showed this to Ermin years ago when I was first getting into audio and he didn't like it (maybe it was the music he didn't like?).

Yes, all natural.
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