guitar troubles

Johis Reed

New Metal Member
Sep 17, 2013
hi guys, it's me again, this once i have a problem with the guitars. i don't know what can be, i was doing the mix but that moment i listened some peaks, i thought was the drums and put solo and listened and well, isn't the drums, and put solo on guitars and yes, sounds like it's clipping, and i saw in the guitars channel and no, isn't clipping, in the inserts just have a 4 bands eq and a limiter, and i just eq hp/lp and boost 300 hz and 5 khz for obtain clarity, and no, the buffer size it's 4096, my audio card it's a M audio profire 2626, my monitors are a yamaha hs80, and isn't the cpu load bar in cubase,
i think it's the guitar with what i recorded, it's a squier jagmaster, to a POD HD PRO.

well, i hope someone can help me :)
Try to limit your guitars less, that nasty sound in your clip sounds like typical L1 distortion and anyways distorted guitars do not need any (or very little amount) limiting because huge amount of distortion already naturally compresses it.
Take that limiter off and your guitars will sound much less squashed and better.