guitar tuning plugins


Sep 21, 2006
just wondering what you use

im looking for something that's pt 8 / snow leopard compatible, so peterson strobe is out =[

bomb factory is now also outdated, and TL In Tune sucks, so please avoid suggesting those as well

ya, accordingt to the website:
Thats why thats ruled out
Why not just grab a Peterson hardware tuner? I have the Stroboflip and it's been great. Plus you don't need to have any software open to use it, and it can be used with instruments that aren't in the control room.
Ha fair enough. Though you could just use a send to route the guitar signal out of PT and into the tuner. That'd keep it out of the signal path.

Yeah I was just going to suggest that. I always have the DI of whatever track I'm recording going to a specific output (lets say 3 if you just monitor 1-2 for playback). That way when you want to tune, all you do is mute or dim your monitors, and you don't have any plugin or extra hardware in your signal path.

I generally have a strobe and a korg rack tuner running at the same time.
Man I hated the tl in-tune too at first but if you select the neck pickup on the gtr when your tuning it works really good. I started using it just to have a tdm plugin before podfarm and now I actually like it. or u can go with a hardware tuner and just run it out of the "thru" on the di box so you don't have to worry about the bypass at all. I planed on doing that and getting a turbotuner but now I don't mind the"in-tune"plug in so it's hard for me to spend the 100 bucks on a tuner lol
I use reaper's reatune all the time, but don't know if you would be able to use in it pt. Wouldn't you just need a vst to rtas wrapper?

For low tunings past B, ReaTune doesn't seem to tell what is what, like it just stays blank when I use it for low tunings.

I use the strobe tuner in Ampeg SVX because it lets me tune down to F# and E :D
Nothing beats Peterson. Their app/plugin integration thing is useless, a complete joke, and won't work with PT anyway. However, it's worth going to a separate app just to tune when it does the job this well.

Or just get a Peterson hardware unit and route it from an extra out on your DI box.
Gtune was awesome... until Peterson bought them out and is using them to develop their software now. Now they limit what Gtune can do inorder to not compete with Peterson (who is using their technology).

I've heard AP Tuner is nice and accurate but haven't used it really. might be worth checking out...

For hardware, the Turbo-Tuner is more accurate than the Peterson strobes (not that you really need any more accurate than that).
Ha fair enough. Though you could just use a send to route the guitar signal out of PT and into the tuner. That'd keep it out of the signal path.

Or plug the guitar into a DI and use the inst. thru output to the tuner, that's what I wanna do when I can afford a Stroboflip!
Nothing beats Peterson. Their app/plugin integration thing is useless, a complete joke, and won't work with PT anyway. However, it's worth going to a separate app just to tune when it does the job this well.

Or just get a Peterson hardware unit and route it from an extra out on your DI box.

not true
i use strobosoft with PT and it's fine (vst wrapper)
I had a stomp and it died... I like the software version better, it's easier for me to watch them tune.