Guitar Tunings

just use heavier strings and set your guitar up for them. Most 25.5 inch scale guitars should be okay for it. Strings still might feel a little spaghetti like.
just use heavier strings and set your guitar up for them. Most 25.5 inch scale guitars should be okay for it. Strings still might feel a little spaghetti like.

What would the set up involve? Like I said, I don't know much about truss rods and intonation...

I'm using an Epiphone SG by the way, so that probably doesn't help.
well you probably wouldnt need to do anything wit the truss rod. just fiddle with the settings of the bridge until you find something you like.
the truss rod is used when your neck gets bowed (bends). and usually, you should let a guitar store pro show you how its done because you can really fuck your guitar up if youve never dealt with it before.