Guitar Volume Knob question


Jun 3, 2004
Hi people of the board! first post on Andy's board ..... I needed answers on about how much out do all you guys use on the Guitar Volume Knob? Do you set it on Full or on 8,9,7 or lower?

Is it better to set it lower then dime the Volume knob? Does the sound clean up better?

Because i was reading a thread from the annihilator board and Jeff waters sets his Volume knob to 7.

I always keep it on 10 for rhythm and leads sounds, unless I want to clean it up a bit.

I've tried setting it at about 7 or so, but I find it lacks something that having it set at 10 has. More balls, for lack of a better explanation.
I usually leave the volume and tone full on for heavy and lead sounds, unless I want a "less-distorted-but-still-distorted" sound for effect. I also find that if you roll back the volume a little bit on clean parts it gives you a very nice clean sound, very effective with active EMG's.
Genius Gone Insane said:
You guys don't have problems with the mics handling high SPLs?

What we're referring to is the volume on the guitar itself, not the amp. I can't run the volume on my Peavey 6505 past 3 without making the walls shake.
Lopes said:
What we're referring to is the volume on the guitar itself, not the amp. I can't run the volume on my Peavey 6505 past 3 without making the walls shake.

Yeah, 3 on the 6505 is about right in my experience. Hell, 2 is still very loud, but 3 is nice to really get things cracking. :rock:
The guitar volume knob is like an effect pedal.. (for tube amps at least).

Roll it way back and you have your clean channel.. kick it full on and you have your distortion.. Im a fan of single channel amps.. The guitar knob is the most misunderstood thing ever.... no reason to ALWAYS leave it on 10.. that's crazy.
Right Thanks for the answers guys!! I am still using a pedal and amp so the differents really lies somewhere .....

Looks like all the guys in the board are really rich to have all BALLS TO THE WALL Tube AMPS!!!

Cheers to you all!!
Kazrog said:
Yeah, 3 on the 6505 is about right in my experience. Hell, 2 is still very loud, but 3 is nice to really get things cracking. :rock:

I played a gig 3 days ago with my 5150, I set post gain on 5 , that was really hell on earth!!! :OMG:
You have see how this amp cracks everything!
I love this amp!!!
I still think about all the fuckers who say "oh 5150 is fizzy", fuck bastards!!! that is a monster amp, if you play on one everything sound fizzy not just 5150

EtherForBreakfast said:
The guitar volume knob is like an effect pedal.. (for tube amps at least).

Roll it way back and you have your clean channel.. kick it full on and you have your distortion.. Im a fan of single channel amps.. The guitar knob is the most misunderstood thing ever.... no reason to ALWAYS leave it on 10.. that's crazy.

if you're playing clean or slightly distorted, I agree with you, but if you're going for somehting more extreme, I find that the best gain is the one coming straight from the guitars PUs.. uh... if you get my drift... it's better to have EMGs or something similyrly hot with the volume knob on the guitar maxxd and set the amp gain on 5 than have shitty PUs (like I do know, blast) or dimed knob and crank the preamp up to 8 and above...

I played a gig 3 days ago with my 5150, I set post gain on 5 , that was really hell on earth!!!
You have see how this amp cracks everything!
I love this amp!!!
I still think about all the fuckers who say "oh 5150 is fizzy", fuck bastards!!! that is a monster amp, if you play on one everything sound fizzy not just 5150

some time ago I tried out the (first version) 5150 (not 6505) and I couldn't crank it past 3 (the store clerks would freak out) but at three it was still somewhat fizzy and too harsh for my liking - was I doing something wrong? I don't really know how to dial an 5150 well... I dimed the presence, kept the resonance halfway up and the EQ was like: low - 2/5, mid 1/2, treble 1/4. lead channel, gain on 5-6. I did mess around quite a bit, but couldn't find the sound I like... how do you guys set your 5150s? yeah I know... I'm a noob when it comes to tube amps.... but I'm trying :D
I've played various 5150/6505's over the past couple of years and in my experience the "fizziness" usually comes from having the presence control up too much. I'm at work right now so I'm going from memory right now, which isn't too good at the moment (fucking vodka!), and I have my presence set at around 7 and it works for me.
Canis said:
some time ago I tried out the (first version) 5150 (not 6505) and I couldn't crank it past 3

Try this
lead pre gain: 6
low: 7
high: 5
resonance: 5
presence: 6.5 with Vintage 30, 0 with g12t-75 (different cones make a huge difference)
With this settings post gain on 2 or 3 sound good
Hope this help! mind the guitar you're using, 5150 can sound good or bad depending on the guitar you're pluggin in.

I use volume knob all the time. I use EMG 81's...for heavy rhythm playing and leads, I keep the volume knob maxed out. There's some songs we have where I'll roll donw enough on my volume knob to have a virtually clean sound. Other times I'll roll it down a little to play with a lightly distorted tone. I also use it for various things like volume swells, fading in and out, helping control feedback, etc. You can get a lot of use out of it.
The vol knob only "works" when you push valves... It does not do much with solid state and modeling doohickies... You can have a raging marshall with vol on 10, and a clean as a whistle with knob on 3...

With a pod or other things you get shitty tone, or shittier tone.. LOL. +)