Guitar woes.


Señor Member
Jan 24, 2011
I'll be recording in a couple of weeks and now I'm having second thoughts about the guitar I'll be using..

I've used an old, beat-up DeArmond M-65 for a long time, then I wanted to get something better and got a Schecter Demon 6 (no FR)..
I was planning on using the Schecter for recording, the pickups are:
"Duncan Designed Active HB-105 -The Duncan Designed version of the super-popular Seymour Duncan Blackouts active humbucker."
I slapped some 0.12 strings on it, but I'm not so sure I like the sound..

The ole' DeArmond has 0.11 strings, the neck is thinner, and the pickups:
An older JB 59 in the neck, and a sort of home-cooked singlecoil at the bridge.. I might be favouring the passive sound..

The options I've considered are:
A) Put the passive mics in the Schecter, sinde the body sound isn't bad.
And slap some 0.11 strings on it, (also, think I have another JB 59)
Don't know how good it'll resonate with the Schecters body..

B) Since I prefer the playability of the DeArmond, probably because of the neck and somewhat thinner body, I could get a new guitar:

Or why not a:
Since I'm planning on doing it someday, and tweaking it myself.

Not sure what to do..
I know I could find something used, maybe that'll be better..
Just wanna throw in Agile guitars
I got one and I'm pretty happy with it. They have very cool finishes also.
But you need to buy a case with it, pay shipping and pay customs when you live in Europe.

Once I bought 3 t-shirts from
The Price was about 30$, and shipping 30$.. fast as fuck think I got it within 1 or 2 days here to Sweden, but then the guy delivering them showed up with an extra bill for customs and taxes, all in all it ended at 100$.. :/
A guitar would probably cost me a kidney or two..
Personally I would go with the Epiphone, I tried one a while back and it wasn't that bad at all, but you should change the pickups when you get the chance

The ones I mentioned were only suggestions, maybe the Epiphone is the best of those..
Recommendations so far:
* Agile guitars - Which I can't get.
* The Epiphone -

I know it's hard to make a judgment call on something you've never played on, and a lot of people have more expensive guitars
(I've heard that you can find a good guitar for around 600€, and after 1200€ it's basically just preference)
The most expensive guitar I have is the Schecter for 440€ (Used to have a 7-string Squier for 500€)
Still, you have to deal with what you got..
My preferences are thin neck, minimum switches/knobs and no FR.. don't care about the looks really..
If I add a couple of € I can get this
Better than the earlier options?
I'm making the assumption that the cheaper ones, that have minimimum crap, of the same brand are going to be a bit shittier..
Don't forget, I'm switching out the pickups for better ones..!
I'll put in an order in 2 weeks..
You can find a lot better than what you picked out for your budget.

I recently bought the Charvel Desolation DC-2 and it has been an absolute dream. I suggest you look into the Charvel Desolation series:

The other guitar I really liked is the Cort KX5. It plays really well and comes stock with Mighty Mite Motherbucker pickups:

Thanks for the suggestions!
They're friendlier on my wallet as well.. :)
Though I am a bit worried about the necks..
The DeArmond I've used is fine, but the Schecter, and an old Squier I had, has a wider thicker neck that isn't really suited for my hands..
+1 on the Cort KX5. I have a Cort 7 string laying around and it plays just as good if not better than my 300 series LTDs. The motherbuckers sound great too for what they are.
Guess I'm going with the Cort KX5 (though I found out they treat their factory workers like shit), have to wait 2 - 3 months for a new one, but the store got a b-stock (sent back for unknown reason).. I'll be trying that one..
If I don't get that one, it's either the Charvel or a Cort M200..
Got the Cort, just plugged it in and played on it..
Way better for me than the Schecter..

The neck feels good and I really prefer the passive sound, I haven't installed the JB 59 and the other mic I have..
The guitar was basically in tune and nicely intonated..
The biggest problem is the nut being too low, can't fit a 0.60mm pick/plektrum between the first fret and the strings..
Second fret is better but I can't fit the pick under, until the third fret..
I have no idea what it would cost to get a new nut/get it fixed, I've raised a couple of nuts on my other guitars.. and it seemed to sound good, to my ears.. :S
I'm assuming it's 0.010 strings on it, it's pretty cold weather, but I doubt it'll settle when it gets to room temperature..