Help choose between Schecter C-1 Hellraiser and C-1 Classic


Aug 14, 2008
Decided that it was time to buy a new guitar :)
Help choose between Schecter C-1 Hellraiser and C-1 Classic.
I want play metal with meat and heavy sound :kickass: The quality of the clean sound is no importance :)

Classic is much more beatiful (realy cool :headbang:) and has seymour duncan (i want passive pickups, don't like active), but Hellraiser has mahogany body and neck (i think this better for metal than mahogany body and multi-ply maple & walnut neck of Classic).

Help guys :confused:

Thx :kickass:
Is the Classic neck-thru? If so, then yeah, maple/walnut will be too bright for high-gain metal (trust me, I own a guitar like this, and even with mahogany wings it's SOOO brittle sounding), so go for the Hellraiser. However, if the Classic is set-neck, then I'd say go for that, cuz I prefer the slight increase in bite a maple neck gives while still maintaining that mahogany fatness.
Ohh.. it's crap
Yes, Classic is neck-thru...
I like Classic much more than Hellraiser :ill: ...but the sound is more important.

Thx :kickass:
No problem! And yeah, if the classic is maple/walnut neck-thru, than DEFINITELY avoid IMO! Check out the ESP LTD H1001's, though, they're set-neck maple, which sounds great (I like it more than mahogany/mahogany)
Go for the Hellraiser. If you want the sound of passive pickups in your tone, then get the Blackjack, as it beats out the Classic. The Classic has this annoying 2-3kHz harshness to the tone... possibly from the nickel-plated pickups. It looks wonderful, but unfortunately doesn't sound it.
Ok... Perhaps Schecter make some day a full-mahogany Classic, but right now i buy Hellraiser :)

Thx everyone :kickass: