
New Metal Member
Feb 27, 2010
WHAT UP MOFOS. Name's Adam. I'm a guitarrist. Me and another guitarrist I jam with are lookin for people to start some shit up with, mainly a drummer, but whatever else, I really don't care. I'm of the opeth, gojira, mastodon, enslaved, old school thrash, annd sludge style. The other guy is of the metalcore variety, but he listens to most of the heavier and/or better shit I throw at him, and he plays the guitar almost as good as I play the skin flute. ALMOST. And that's saying a lot, seeing as I'm the Leonardo da Vinci of that. Pretty open minded, style n songwriting ability is more important than skill level, drummer would earn major points if he can do tribal (outro track on zoroaster's voice of saturn) and middle-eastern (see: melechesh) drums. Blast beats are fine here and there, but mostly want to steer clear of that. Hit me up at Otherwise I need assistance with good tones, and I made a thread about it in the musician's discussion section. Piece ladies n joims