Guitarists - Another question!

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is typically caused by overuse or not warming up. Any neck shape will cause this form of tendonitis if you're not careful. Always warm up and do exercises to build your hand strength. Petrucci's Rock Discipline video has a great section on warming up and, yes, stretching.

That said, I didn't read the article you posted - I'll do that now. I just wanted to throw my two cents into the fountain.
Thinner necks can aggrevate CTS more than thicker necks, but I don't know anyone who ever really has practiced to the point of having CTS.
Aggravate, probably, but I would imagine there is an equally likely chance of developing tendonitis on any neck style depending on player's habits/technique/etc. etc.

I find a wide, thin neck more comfy than a skinny, boaty neck. Probably because of my long arms. My hands are only medium sized. Skinny necks (across the fretboard) put my hands in a more awkward position, and I would theorize an awkward position would cause more damage, i.e., CTS, than a comfortable position.

But, let's not overlook one major contributor to developing CTS: typing! Everybody stop typing and go play yer gee-tar!
My guitar teacher's a CTS freak and a half, and he hasn't bitched at me for my neck yet. Bad playing habits are the thing you really have to worry about.

Granskog: I have the RG7621... same guitar, but with a fixed bridge. Absolutely love it! All the RGs above 570 (maybe lower, I haven't tried a lot of the midrange stuff) are just awesome guitars.
i love my esp mirage custom... :grin: gotta love the 80's guitars
this is my ideal guitar
-ebony fretboard
-i think its mahogany...not sure i pulled it from ebay and it never said, but its really heavy
- two hums-x2n bridge, tone zone neck ( I wonder where I got that from)
- floyd rose
-thin neck, although not enough to cramp my hands or anything (I have huge hands)

only thing i ont love is the a teal :yuk:
i have no complaints...high gain as known...the squeals (pinch harmonics, i thnk) are orgasmic:rock: , and it is fairly precise...i love it really...i havent really used too many other pickups to really be a good judge, my esp came with 2 old sd pickups, and before that i had an ibanez with their lowest end pickups lol