guitarists' mini-challenge

I like it. Lots of tasty licks. Nice speed there UIO.

Thanks for posting that backing track, I was able to get it this time. I recorded myself playing along. Hopefully I didn't nibble too many licks from you guys.

I don't have any way of posting it for you though.:( I can email it to anyone who wants it.
Well done indeed. My only complaint was that you mixed in the lead track a little low..and with that smooth was a bit hard to hear what you were doing sometimes.

..and know you should be mailing yours to me as well right? :D
Thanks to you too for the kind words in your email UIO.:)

Rabies it's on it's way.:)


I changed isp's and have dsl again, :cool:, but my old email account will shut down soon. I will update my profile and let you guys know what my new one is after I set it up.
No problem, Mr Hyde. It was really cool to listen to.

Rabies, yeah, I noticed that after uploading it. You're right about that patch, too. That is why it's so low.
I recorded it fairly low because the patch was sounding too dirty otherwise. I forgot to turn it up enough when I mixed down.
It's a shame because I really like that patch. I'll have to work on refining it.