Guitarists- What's your live setup? (and teach me abouts wahs?)

^^^ this haha!

My rig is.....

Jackson USA rr1/ Custom Jap Jackson --> Dunlop Rack wah --> GCX --> Tuner --> Ibanez TS7 --> Mesa Mark IV --> GCX --> ISP Decimator --> GMajor II --> Mark IV Return --> Mesa 4x12
G&L S-500 in standard and a Gibson Les Paul Studio in Drop D

Korg Tuner > Modded original crybaby > Visual Sound Jeckyll and Hyde > Big Muff > EHX Q Tron > BBE Soul Vibe

Vox AC30CC2

Digitech Whammy > Marshall Echohead Delay > Redux Delay > Digitech Digiverb > RC20 XL

Add a Maestro Echoplex in the front sometimes and soon to have a treble booster and a ep-boost pedal...

Not really a metal rig. haha

Schecter Hellraiser V's, Hardwire CM-2, Whatever amp i use (dont play much live anymore) with a digitech DigiDelay in the loop
Wow, you really like vipers. I love mine.

LOL, they are a perfect fit for me. I had the 3 LTD's first, and then moved on to the old school 90's era custom bolt ons. They seem to be a rare find in the US, so when I see one, I tend to do whatever I can to buy it. It's taken me 5 years to find the ones I have, and I'm always on the look out.

I prefer bolt on neck styles in general, and this era of Viper is about a 2 year window. Solid 1 piece mahogany bodies and 1 piece maple necks. Attack like crazy and superb resonance.