Guitarists- What's your live setup? (and teach me abouts wahs?)

LTD-251HM w/blackouts

XXX Input

XXX Send
Hardwire Delay
Hardwire Reverb
XXX Return

Avatar Contemporary w/ V30s

The Weeping Demon's auto-activation on pedal movement on mine broke so I pulled it from my rig because I find the switch the pedal and then rock the footplate to be ridiculous for my lack of coordination. I like the pedal and you can dial in almost any wah sound although you can't clone a Buddha or Snarling dogs with it and I'm sure there is a setting you'll love.
Agile 3500 > TS7 > JCA333 > Mesa Stiletto

Simple and gets the job done, but I'm thinking of buying a cheap delay for some soothing shredz.
Latest update!


Using the 15 band as a boost, (setting were before I actually tried it) then the digitech as an efx unit/back up Pre amp. There's a bBe on top I kinda like when I'm playing breakdowns by myself :)
Ibanez rg2228 and rgd2127 with wireless>korg rack tuner>isp decimator pro rack g>tc electronic g system>bbe green screamer in loop,2x boss ns2 in loops>Mesa triple rectifier input>send back via isp decimator pro rack g to g system>return to head

Sometimes I split the insert send to my mark v via a radial tonebone jx2 switchbone and have one amp dry and one wet. I do this via the radial because it's quieter and otherwise I'd have to use up loop 4. Of course one amp must be dry this way but I don't mind that.

System switches all loops in and out, fx and amp channels. It's essentially having a g major and voodoo labs gcx/gcp setup which our other guitarist has. I'll do pics at rehearsal next week.
Update (The ampeg is the bassists head, not relevant to my rig)

In 5 days I'll be using a Green LTD EC-1000. So sexy.

My current live setup is two Edwards guitars and occasionally my J-custom Ibanez, when I don't have to travel with it.

Previously, I used two 5150 heads through a BBE sonic maximizer and a Rocktron Xpressions (for the Hush and stereo split) into a full stack of Marshalls... that is until I discovered the Savage 120.

The Savage has a waaay bigger sound even through 1 cab than the two 5150's ever had. For live sound at least. That being said... I still use the 5150 for recording all the time.

PS When I get to play a big enough venue, X2 wireless.

My current live setup is two Edwards guitars and occasionally my J-custom Ibanez, when I don't have to travel with it.

Previously, I used two 5150 heads through a BBE sonic maximizer and a Rocktron Xpressions (for the Hush and stereo split) into a full stack of Marshalls... that is until I discovered the Savage 120.

The Savage has a waaay bigger sound even through 1 cab than the two 5150's ever had. For live sound at least. That being said... I still use the 5150 for recording all the time.

PS When I get to play a big enough venue, X2 wireless.
Yeah, didn't Exodus use the Savage on Exhibit B? That was the best damn guitar tone I've ever heard IMO. ENGL amps tend to sound great.