Just sent payment for an 87 GP1000.

With success before similar to what I'm planning, here it goes-
8 or 10 space rack with casters-
Voltage Regulator
Intellifex or G-major
(pedals that are always on in the rack)
SD-1 or something (Bad monkey, tubescreamer, maxon something, who cares)
KK10 band EQ
BBE (A little can really go a long way but who knows)
(and if noisy) ISP G-string (pedal version of rack decimator)
VHT 2/90/2 (gotta love the KT88's right?)
Then out to a modified Marshall 412 (Gonna experiment with speakers but probably 75's) in a road case. Two modified Jackson RR24s (one being a white RR24M)
So about wahs- I really like them when they are used lightly, I hate that Kirk Hammet droning sound he has. I've heard morleys are great since they are switch less and you can control how much wah you want in your wah.

The Ibanez Screamin Demon seems neat too.
Holy shit.
I'm still working on mine...
2 years after the original thread
stock SD1
x2 XDR plus wireless
boss gx700 effects
Lee jackson gp1000
carvin ts100 w/ el34's and 6l6's
Both have shaved necks
Getting a 10 space rack this month too.