Guitarists- What's your live setup? (and teach me abouts wahs?)

My rehersal rig at the moment is just a super distorted scooped-as-fuck 6505 with a Randall cab w/ Greenbacks, which gives me a very brutal Cannibal-ish tone. Which I guess is what I would use live as well, but I'll probably just take the head and use whatever cab the venue has. As for pedals I'm just running a TU-2 in there, no boost or anything. Atleast not for live/rehersal, but for recording hell yes.

Slightly drunk.
I would use a delay (if I had one) + my wah if I was playing anything other than br00tal swedish DM at the moment. But I'm not, SO FUCKIT. I'm not even doing any leads.

As for wahs, I had the Weeping Deamon for a few months but I never learned to love it. Sure it was easy to use and flexible, but I could never get the sound I wanted with it. Sold it and bought a Zakk Wylde sig Crybaby, and it melted my face clean off. Still my favorite wah ever, though I haven't tried the Dime one which apperently also exposes facial features to very high temperatures.
My live rig is pretty simple.

Peavey 6505+
Marshall 1960
Wah: Dunlop Slash
MXR Phase 90

FX Loop: Gate, Boss Chorus, MXR phase 90, Boss Flanger, Boss DD5

Gibson Les Paul
Jackson RR-V

And a heap load of cables & patches. I use 2 Phase 90's - one pre-preamp, one pre-power-amp
Mick, you don't have probs with the Phase90 in the loop? I couldn't stand how it would jack the volume up like twice as loud.

So I forked out for the Retro Sonic Phaser which is a script copy but with a level control. Still add a little boost, but not as much as the stock 90.
Mick, you don't have probs with the Phase90 in the loop? I couldn't stand how it would jack the volume up like twice as loud.

So I forked out for the Retro Sonic Phaser which is a script copy but with a level control. Still add a little boost, but not as much as the stock 90.

well the only time i use my 2 phase 90's is when im either on my clean channel or im hitting my TS and phase 90 for lead. other then that i never hit it for my rhythm tone.

isn't the R28 mod suppose to fix the weird mid boost on the phase 90? you could try that if your finding its boosting. just snip out one piece. if you dont like it solder it back in. i haven't done it - i think thats the mod. or maybe im thinking of something else on another pedal
Updated live rig:

ESP Viper, ESP Eclipse, LTD Max Cavalera sig or LTD Viper 401 > X2 wireless > Fender PT-1000 tuner > Boss NS-2 > Radial BigShot ABY to split into a 6505+ into Madison 4x12 with V30's and a XXX into Madison 4x12 with V30's.
Gibson Les Paul Studio (or Jackson DXMG Dinky with an Evo in the bridge) > Korg Tuner > CryBaby (soon to be modded, anyone have any good mods?) > BBE Orange Squash > Visual Sound Jeckyll and Hyde (only for tubescreamer side) > 5150II > Effects loop [Digitech Whammy > Marshall Echohead > Digitech Digital Reverb (need to get a new reverb) > Boss RC-20XL ] Marshall 1960B.

All the cables are Canare gs-6 with neutrik jacks, and the pedalboard is wired with all George L.

I need to get a new delay and a new reverb.
Gibson Les Paul Studio (or Jackson DXMG Dinky with an Evo in the bridge) > Korg Tuner > CryBaby (soon to be modded, anyone have any good mods?) > BBE Orange Squash > Visual Sound Jeckyll and Hyde (only for tubescreamer side) > 5150II > Effects loop [Digitech Whammy > Marshall Echohead > Digitech Digital Reverb (need to get a new reverb) > Boss RC-20XL ] Marshall 1960B.

All the cables are Canare gs-6 with neutrik jacks, and the pedalboard is wired with all George L.

I need to get a new delay and a new reverb.

crybaby mod:
LTD EC-1000 -> Morley Lynch Wah -> Maxon OD808 -> Boss NS2 -> Fender Rack Tuner -> Framus Cobra -> (FXLOOP) TC Electronic G-Sharp -> VHT Fat Bottom 4x12



LTD H-500 with EMG 81 and 85
Boss TU2
TS9 tubescreamer
Boss Volume pedal
Boss NS2 and Line 6 M13 both 4 cable method
Peavey 6505+
Marshall 1960 cab
new live rig:

sansamp psa-1
behringer v-amp pro for fx (soon to be rocktron intellifex)
run through whatever amp there is available in the venue
will get a marshall 8008 or sth like that as a backup poweramp too.

believe it or not, but i've been through countless amps, e.g. mesa dc-5, engl blackmore, marshall jcm800 2210, framus cobra, peavey 5150, laney gh50l, engl fireball etc...and this setup, esp this pre is finally the one that fits me best imho.
Kramer Pacer custom EMG 85 > Maxon OD9 + Snarling Dogs "very tone" clean boost + Bad Horsie wah + Tuner + Digitech Whammy into Snarling Dogs AB pedal:

Gain: JCM 800 4104 2x12 combo loaded with vintage 30s
Clean: Roland JC120

AB pedal switches between both. So I have 4 sounds live:

Crunch is JCM800
Thrash ryth is JCM800 with clean boost
Solo is JCM800 with clean boost and OD9
Clean is Roland JC120

Vader Cabs

In rack we have:

Tuner (now Peterson Stroborack)
Decimator Pro Rack
Furman AR-15II

Controlled with Axess Electronics FX-1 and expression pedals.

Guitars are Musicman JP7s and Blackmachine custom B-7.
My setup:
Ibby RGR1570 to Planet waves stobe tuner to NS-2 to Rivera K-Tre to Mesa Recto standard 4x12. In the Rivera FX loop a TC D-Two delay to TC M300 Processor to MXR 10 band EQ. Ibanez TS9DX and Boss CE-3 running into the FX loop off the NS-2