Guitarists- What's your live setup? (and teach me abouts wahs?)

This is me at the moment:

Busy upgrading the future rig though.
LTD EC-1000 (active) or Schecter Tempest Custom (passive) into POD X3 Live (TS, Wah, Delay, Noise-Gate etc.) into 6505 and Ampeg VL502 into an old Laney Oversized w/ 75's and a Mesa 2x12 with Black Shadows.

When I need to save space in the bus or car it simply goes into POD -> one of the Amps -> whatever cab you put in front of me
...prefer the switchless function of the Morley wahs, but I prefer the sweep of a good old fashioned Crybaby, so I've stuck with it.

Couldn't agree with this statement more. The Crybaby is more aggressive sounding. But in the end, the switchless Morley Bad Horsie won out for me (just for ease of use and no scratchy pots).
Jackson Kelly w/SD Full Shred pickup >

Morley wah >

Mesa Triaxis >

Alesis 3630 compressor >

Simul 2:90 power amp >

Bullet cabinet

also have a rocktron intellifex used in the fx loop of the triaxis and a power conditioner for everything

I control the Triaxis,Rocktron,Simul with a Rocktron Midi Mate
Ibanez RG1570 ->
6505 (lead channel, gain 4, low 6, mid 3.5, high 4, resonance 6, precense 6) ->
DBX comp/gate/limiter in the effects loop... I dont like this piece of hardware very much... I bought it as a complete noob to recording before I knew they made compressors in plug-in format, haha. I only have the gate on in my guitar rig, low threshold and the fastest attack and release, just to get rid of the hum from the amp before/ after songs, and in pauses during breakdowns.
I don't play live :lol: but my setup goes like this:

Guitar --> TS-9 --> Vox Wah --> Triple XXX with Rocktron Intellifex LTD in the loop --> Stock Marshall 1936.

@Necromancer:- You're gonna need the BBE and the KK10EQ to get any other sound out of the GP-1000 but the Bodom sound. It really needs some low end in there, and a lot of the nasty high mids taken out. Not sure which GP-1000 mine is, I think I have the 87 as well. Just to let you know also, mine never liked active pickups, it didn't mind passive with an active boost, but for some reason my EMG's sounded like ass through it compared to passive pickups. Also you'll need the ISP, because you need to boost the input of the GP-1000 a fair bit to get enough gain, so you'll be introducing more noise as well.

I guess we'll find out soon. Have you tried using the 'alexi preset'? :lol:Mitch and some other guys from the Bodom section and get really good sounding stuff from theirs.

• Volume - Full
• Distortion - Full & pulled
• Treble - Full
• Mid - Full
• Mid shift - 3
• Bass - 9 O'Clock
• Output 2 is used (more bass), and is set to 11 O'Clock.
Yeah, I used settings I had from Young Guitar, etc. It sounds ok, but you can't really change the sound much, it's a one trick pony. That's where the EQ and BBE will play a huge part in it. I've yet to try the GP-1000 through my Triple XXX's poweramp. Might be interesting.
Yeah, I used settings I had from Young Guitar, etc. It sounds ok, but you can't really change the sound much, it's a one trick pony. That's where the EQ and BBE will play a huge part in it. I've yet to try the GP-1000 through my Triple XXX's poweramp. Might be interesting.

I know Alexi used to use a BBE style processor in his rig. Roope says with some actives + gainboost + EQ it equals awesome. So I'm just going off that.

Of course it's a much different sound (based off the CoB/Synergy albums) then what most like around here. Very bright and high mids rather then the darker, smoother, low-mid stuff.

It'll be here next week so I'll get some clips going asap. I might have to pick up an sd-1 or something.
I've never heard of Alexi using a BBE, and I'm pretty sure Roope did not say actives + gainboost. They have both never used active pickups until Alexi recently started using the Blackouts. It was passive Jackson/EMG pickups with the JE-1000 boost, and whatever boost they use now. Also Alexi used a Boss SD-1 when he first got his ESP's before he put a boost in there. I can nail the tone on Hate Crew Deathroll, with any guitar with passive pickups, a boss sd-1, and the GP-1000. YMMV, but from my experience with the GP-1000, it's very hard to coax a thick rhythm tone from it.
My signal chain is guitar ->
boss tuner pedal ->
morley bad horsie ->
Boss SD1 ->
Peavey 5150 II
Send from peavey -> rocktron hush -> looper send -> artec delay pedal -> artec eq pedal -> looper return -> return to peavey

2* Marshall 1960BX Cabs

The looper pedal also switches channel on my amp when activating the loop. Im replacing the head with an ENGL blackmore soon though
Currently - LTD MH 1000 which goes into a peavey 5150 with an ENGL standard slanted.

But definatly wanna do something to beef up the solo parts since they sound way to dry like this. Makes the slow single parts suck pretty hard. So a small delay or whatevah i will be adding :) and a tube screamer maybe.
I've never heard of Alexi using a BBE, and I'm pretty sure Roope did not say actives + gainboost. They have both never used active pickups until Alexi recently started using the Blackouts. It was passive Jackson/EMG pickups with the JE-1000 boost, and whatever boost they use now. Also Alexi used a Boss SD-1 when he first got his ESP's before he put a boost in there. I can nail the tone on Hate Crew Deathroll, with any guitar with passive pickups, a boss sd-1, and the GP-1000. YMMV, but from my experience with the GP-1000, it's very hard to coax a thick rhythm tone from it.

Right from the Latvala Site-


Lee Jackson GP 1000 Pre-Amp

Lee Jackson GP 1000 pre-amp. Roope says that the "GP 1000 is also an 80s product and it's one sound, angry sounding little tube pre-amp. It's horrible as that, but if you add active electrics and gainboost from your guitar, the result is just great! Needs a little EQ though!" Original Lee Jackson amps can often be found on eBay for reasonable prices.

Alexi was using EMG's for a while, went with blackouts and now looks like he's back with EMG.

And in this picture


The peice of equipment that says 2400 (rsp 2400) is a sonic enhancer/exciter/hush.

I believe it was taken circa 05-06 so during the AYDY era.

Guitar (w/ EMG81)
Sennheiser Wireless
Rocktron Hush pedal
Ibanez TS9DX
Korg Tuner pedal
Lehle Dual Amp Switch
\>5150 ("Rhythm" channel)
\>Savage ("Crunch I" channel)
Marshall 1960 cabs plus whatever's available on stage

Any suggestions for the running order of the pedals?
A Yamaha AES 620HB with sd-jb > boss sd-1 instead of a tube screamer > Electro Harmonix Stereo Pulsar > Electro Harmonix Stereo Memory Man with hazari > Rocktron Banshee talk box > Mesa Boogie Dual Rec Solo 3 channel > Fender Supersonic 4x12 w/v30s
The peice of equipment that says 2400 (rsp 2400) is a sonic enhancer/exciter/hush.

If you would've used your eyes and actually watched settings in the picture, he uses the Rocktron RSP 2400 mainly as a noise gate (the first batch of 4 knobs).

Any suggestions for the running order of the pedals?

Guitar > Tuner > Hush > Tubescreamer > Amp
I'm planning on getting a Line 6 HD147, so it can be Guitar --> HD147 --> Mesa halfback vert. 2x12, with my Line 6 FBV express foot controller connected to the HD147. And all the effects built into the HD147, with 4 totally independently storable presets aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh blessed ease and relief, with apparently still pretty bitchin' tone :D
my gear:

-Parker P-38 w/Seymour Duncan JB

-Voltage regulator
-crappy behringer BTR-1000
-Weber Mass 100
-Weber Load Dump (to attenuate the volume of my second cab)
-modded SD-1
-Boss NS-2
-Georges L's Cable!

-1972 Marshall 50w
-1971 Marshall 4x12 Basketwaves w/Greenback
-5150 4x12 (for the road)
