Guitars are out of phase I think


Sep 8, 2010
Knoxville, TN
I have been doing this 4 guitars panned hard left/right thing and noticed they're never really loud enough. I opened up pazanalyzer and noticed that I'm getting quite a bit of anti-phase between them all.

Has anyone ran into this problem?
What are some solutions to this?

Also I'm using different amp sims on each side like this Left(pod/revalver) Right (revalver/pod)

Here's the actual song as well

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That should have been the first thing I tried but for some reason i didn't think of that.

I'm not at my desk right now but I will def try that asap.
assuming you played each side 2 times for a total of 4 takes, sometimes sloppy playing can make this sound out of phase. to pull off quad tracking the duplicates must be played extremely tight, otherwise don't do it at all.
In my opinion, the out of phase sound when quad tracking happens more when it is too tight.

A guitar player that is very very precise (or edited to 100% grid) and consistent at picking may have phase issues because the waves are very much alike and are only a few ms off. And that can cause phase issues.
You guys must have better ears than I do. I cant hear any phasing in that dense mix. So much going on.