Gun laws in the great state of NY

do the pussy Euros not care about personal protection?
There shouldnt even be an argument.

1 armed psycho vs 1000 unarmed people:

1,5 armed robbers vs 20 unarmed people + 1 granpa with concealed carry permit and a small pistol:
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I knew this would be brought up.

The whole anti-gun argument is based on the opinion that the likelihood of either of the above scenarios is significantly diminished if firearms aren't accessible.

You're just saying that an unarmed man has a more effective method of personal defense against another man with a gun.
I don't think you've enlightened anyone.
You're just saying that an unarmed man has a more effective method of personal defense against another man with a gun.
I don't think you've enlightened anyone.

No that's not what i am saying :)
I meant that if there were some good citizens with guns in that crowd at the premiere, it would be much harder for the psycho to kill those 14 and/or even live through the whole thing.
No that's not what i am saying :)
I meant that if there were some good citizens with guns in that crowd at the premiere, it would be much harder for the psycho to kill those 14 and/or even live through the whole thing.

if some people had guns in there, chances are that the psycho would have been killed in the process, but chances to even more innocent people getting hit by stray bullets are even greater. a firefight like that inside a crowded theater most certainly wouldn't have taken any less lives.

some of you seem to think that just having a gun with you makes scenarios absolute. there are factors to using a firearm successfully.
Shit, typo.

It should have read: "an armed man has a more effective method of personal defense against another man with a gun."

That is the point you were making, and I'm saying that there is no-one who doesn't understand that already.
No that's not what i am saying :)
I meant that if there were some good citizens with guns in that crowd at the premiere, it would be much harder for the psycho to kill those 14 and/or even live through the whole thing.
But Skinny Viking can do it with a duct tape roll.
Sooo, gun control... Should the wait period for guns be extended or psychological testing proceed applying for a gun? In before neuroscience PhD candidate with no criminal record.
Sooo, gun control... Should the wait period for guns be extended or psychological testing proceed applying for a gun? In before neuroscience PhD candidate with no criminal record.

I do believe the background check also includes seeing if the applicant has any history of psychological treatment, etc. Beyond that, as it is right now, it's up to the seller to try and make a judgement on the customer, but not everyone is obviously crazy, some people hide it well.

sopulurn said:
if some people had guns in there, chances are that the psycho would have been killed in the process, but chances to even more innocent people getting hit by stray bullets are even greater. a firefight like that inside a crowded theater most certainly wouldn't have taken any less lives.

some of you seem to think that just having a gun with you makes scenarios absolute. there are factors to using a firearm successfully.

No, it seems like you think that. What, after saying things like "most certainly wouldn't have taken any less lives," in regards to if other people in the theater had guns, are you serious when you say that? Contradicted yourself there. Are you an expert on close quarters gun battle statistics and just didn't tell us? The chances of this or that, bla bla bla... it goes both ways. There is an equal chance that someone could have shot the dude and stopped him from doing more than he did. As you say yourself, there are no absolutes.
No, it seems like you think that. What, after saying things like "most certainly wouldn't have taken any less lives," in regards to if other people in the theater had guns, are you serious when you say that? Contradicted yourself there. Are you an expert on close quarters gun battle statistics and just didn't tell us? The chances of this or that, bla bla bla... it goes both ways. There is an equal chance that someone could have shot the dude and stopped him from doing more than he did. As you say yourself, there are no absolutes.

I can one up that and say that almost always when an armed attacker is faced with a victim who has a weapon especially a gune will not try to open fire and said vicitm with gun or make an attempt to kill everyone they can before they die, no, they flee. Attackers (outisde wacko Columbine types) don't brandish guns to kill people, they are weak and use the threat of deadly force to control others to their advantage. If the odd are equal and they are aware of it, they bail. The reality is between the law abiding armed victim and the criminal, the victim is more likely the one to open fire. Attackers know this, that is why they flee, they do not have the guts to fire a victim who has a gun. There are plenty of videos and statistics that show this to be true.

The large majority of gun related crimes come from gangs who get their weapons illegally from international smugglers (mostly Mexico). We don't have a gun problem, we have a boarder problem. Deal with the boarder, deal with the gangs and we will see a decrease in gun related crimes.