Gun laws in the great state of NY

Loren Littlejohn

Lover of all boobage.
This is the latest legislation being passed around my state. Maybe you can use your logic and figure out the issue with this. :lol:

Seriously I need to go into politics, good pay, I don't need to be smart or posses logic when I do my duties, plus free doughnuts!

BTW, it's incredibly difficult to legally own a handgun in this state. You will wait at least 6 months for a permit and said permit will heavily regulate how and what that firearm can be used for. Need a handgun for work (armed guard etc...) wait even longer and in some counties you can fucking forget it.

Anyhow rant over
Because criminals typically use brand new, legitimately purchased firearms to commit their crimes.

"The manufacturers of semiautomatic handguns will incur minimal costs to adopt this technology." I would like to see numbers that back this, because it seems to me that a retooling to create unique IDs would be somewhat pricey.
Even if criminals did use brand new hand guns to kill people with :)lol: if anyone believes this) it wouldn't take that long to take out the firing pin and grind off the stamp. Shoot if it's a "microstamp" I imagine a small file in your pocket would do the trick.

What scares me a little about the idea though is one trip to a range, sprinkle a little spent micro stamped casings around your crime scene and viola you have wrecked someone else's day.

This is at least the 5th time they have tried to get this nonsense to pass. You would think it would be time to give up the idea.
One of the only good things about Northern Ireland is that it's the only part of the UK where owning a gun explicitly for self defense is allowed. I mean, the background behind that law sucks terribly but I must be the only person I know who thinks it's a valid reason.
just get rid of the cartridge anyway ?

I always do, but if I forget one I shouldn't have to sweat over it. NYS is dumb enough with it's firearm laws as it is.

Also, while I can not back it up it is rumored that Remmington will gtfo of NY if this law passes (and all of those jobs with them). Gun manufacturers have had enough business lately to run 24/7 and they still do not meet the demand. Ruger isn't taking orders for firearms they are so backed up.
I am a legal carry / conceal in NYS.

Took me over 1 year to get my permit. You're right, NYS is a pita..
It means exactly the same thing, since it's still used as a french word.
The misspelling is either just typo's or retardation.
Yeah what a PITA. I'm from Utah, where we can basically do anything we want (where guns are concerned), and they hand out Concealed Carry permits with packets of Tide in the mail.

But I moved to California, and I haven't been shooting since. All I brought with me is my XD40 and my CC license has expired now, but I couldn't use it in CA anyway... I think I'm gonna head to the range this week though...
I'll leave that to you then. :heh:

While it's an interesting idea at first, prices for non-microstamped guns will shoot up, then they are going to work in a law to ban non-microstamped weapons etc... just a whole bunch of shit for a little gain for people paranoid about guns.