Gun laws in the great state of NY


What hump ? :lol:
1st generic "americans, why you love weapons?" post

yay, I win :)

Or just go to New Jersey?

+1 to these guys :lol:

Compared to the rest of the country, NY has super strict gun laws; part of that is just being associated with the trash from NYC. And 9/11.

At some point though, I would like to get a rifle. I really enjoy target shooting, even though I've only done it once. I've been thinking about maybe looking more into hunting, but I don't know if I'd have the heart to kill something.
You guys probably will think I'm just really ignorant, but why do you really need guns?
The most common answer is "Because we need to be able to defend ourselves". The thing is, if no one had guns, there's really nothing to defend yourselves against?
Sure, there is, but the whole idea of everyone owning a gun is kinda weird and stupid if you ask me. Too bad that the weapon fanatics just start talking about the constitution and their right to own a gun. The constitution isn't really up-to-date and this is probably why the US has such problems with gun crimes.

No hard feeling though. If you like guns, that's fine, but I don't.
some just do it for fun (shooting targets, practice, the old father & son thing when they're shooting together for the first time) that never existed in france except for hunters which i think sucks more than shooting targets.
I don't know if I'd have the heart to kill something.

I don't ever really want to be tested that way personally. But I know in my gut it wouldn't be that difficult if it was my family or them (especially with a girl on the way, my first).

I also worry about the NYS stupidity I would encounter if I did have to shoot and kill someone that came into my house to do harm.

I just shoot clays or paper at the moment, but I would love to get the permit process going this year since it takes so long.
You guys probably will think I'm just really ignorant, but why do you really need bows and arrows?
The most common answer is "Because we need to be able to defend ourselves". The thing is, if no one had bows and arrows, there's really nothing to defend yourselves against?
Sure, there is, but the whole idea of everyone owning a bow and arrows is kinda weird and stupid if you ask me. Too bad that the weapon fanatics just start talking about the constitution and their right to own a bow and arrow. The constitution isn't really up-to-date and this is probably why the US has such problems with bow and arrow crimes.

No hard feeling though. If you like bows and arrows, that's fine, but I don't.

You guys probably will think I'm just really ignorant, but why do you really need guns?



2. If you are a man of the house, it is your duty to defend your family and your posessions until any kind of outside help arrives. I don't have a gun, but i have a big bladed weapon handy for home defense, because one - it is my responsibility to be the first defender if a situation calls for such action and two - i live in a city with highest crime rate in the country...

3. A gun is a tool, it is a very efficient tool - if you need a tool, why not get the most efficient tool you can get ?

4. You vs a criminal - the side that has more power decides the fate of the side with less power. Would you let some junkie burglar decide if you and your family live or die ? Would you rather hide in a dark corner of your bedroom and pray he doesn't find you and when he finds you beg for him to spare you ? Or just point your gun at him and ask him to leave even without shooting ?

5. "The thing is, if no one had guns, there's really nothing to defend yourselves against?" - And the reality is that there are hundreds of millions of guns all around the world and it would require an act of god to remove them all and to make it impossible for people to make homemade ones (it is very easy to build a simple firearm).

6. For sports and fun.
2. If you are a man of the house, it is your duty to defend your family and your posessions until any kind of outside help arrives. I don't have a gun, but i have a big bladed weapon handy for home defense, because one - it is my responsibility to be the first defender if a situation calls for such action and two - i live in a city with highest crime rate in the country...

Nah. That's my wife's responsibility. I do the dishes.
if no one had guns, there's really nothing to defend yourselves against?

While I wasn't trying to make this a gun/anti gun thread (more like a "hey look at this stupid fucking legislation"). I'll bite.

I'm not someone to get all huffy when someone asks this type of question. But I would say it's a combination of "because we can," "because it's a right (and nobody in history has appreciated their rights taken away)" "because of the history of this country" "because it's fun" "because it's safe"

If we were going to go with the "you don't need them so why do you want them" argument.

We don't really need cars do we? They killed 306,700,000 people in 2009, so we should really probably get rid of those as well. There tends to be more damage with them when an accident happens anyway, There were only 52,000 (ish) fatalities in the US in 2000 due to guns and just under 13,000 of those were homicides (other deaths were either accidents or suicides).

I just don't get the argument. If you don't care for guns, don't own one (the criminals will give fuck all over your opinion of guns). Why does it have to be dictated that others can't have them either? Don't care for gay marriage or abortion? Why must your will be imposed on them either?

BTW that last bit wasn't aimed at you. I was just trying to make my point. :)
Loren Littlejohn
Cars are used for transportation and not for harming or killing, sure they can be but that's not the main purpose. We would be trown back into the middle ages if we would get rid of such an important option for transportation. Guns? Well, they are made to do some serious damage if used.

So, if it wasn't legal to get a gun in the first place (except for hunters and the police)? I know it's impossible and too late to get rid of the guns without people starting a riot.

My way of thinking is probably because I live in a country with low rates of gun crimes and also low rates of homicides for that matter. It happens and has been rising in the last couple of years but here weapons are used for sports and hunting. Here there's no such thing as getting a gun to defend yourself. If you would allow people to get guns, the gun crime rates would skyrocket compared to how it is now. As mentioned earlier, it's too late to do anything about it in the US and many other countries. The mentality is too well established and there's too much guns in circulation. So in a way, I understand the "I'm going to defend me and my family by getting a gun"-thing, it's just here that kind of thing simply doesn't exist.

By the way, I hope I haven't been "stepping on any toes" and maybe I've seen to many rednecks on TV ;)
You guys probably will think I'm just really ignorant, but why do you really need guns?
The most common answer is "Because we need to be able to defend ourselves". The thing is, if no one had guns, there's really nothing to defend yourselves against?
Sure, there is, but the whole idea of everyone owning a gun is kinda weird and stupid if you ask me. Too bad that the weapon fanatics just start talking about the constitution and their right to own a gun. The constitution isn't really up-to-date and this is probably why the US has such problems with gun crimes.

No hard feeling though. If you like guns, that's fine, but I don't.

It depends on whether or not you think your right to self and property defense trumps the assailant's right to safety.
Guns? Well, they are made to do some serious damage if used incorrectly.

Corrected that for you. Because unless you are at war or defending your life, using a firearm for killing or damaging human beings is an incorrect use of a firearm (and you should go away for a long ass time because you are a piece of shit).

You could say the same about knives, bow and arrows, axes, machetes, swords, crossbows, rocks, box cutters, sling shots...

Like I said, I'm totally ok with someone not understanding why I would want a firearm. What I don't understand is why they believe I shouldn't have the right to have one.

I also resent, RESENT the idea of someone telling me how and when I can defend my life if it was threatened. The very notion is beyond lunacy to me. :mad:
Just got my conceal and carry 2 days ago, it only took me 2 weeks to get it. only problem i have is actualy concealing a HP .45

So, if it wasn't legal to get a gun in the first place (except for hunters and the police)?

Are guns some magical items that can only be manufactured in large gun factories ?
Or are guns just pieces of metal anyone can shape with a small lathe in their garage ?
Are criminals people who give a damn about something being legal or illegal ?
Even if a criminal doesn't have a gun (only a crowbar or even just his aggression and strength), would it be better for your girlfriend to defend herself with her bare fists or with a legally owned gun ?
You could say the same about knives, bow and arrows, axes, machetes, swords, crossbows, rocks, box cutters, sling shots...

This massacred, I don't know if you noticed but that's why I replaced key words when I quoted you. There are a lot of deadly long rage weapons that can be made at home. It's not the tool, it's the person using the tool. ;)