Gun laws in the great state of NY

But when you're in your house at night and hear someone smash a window, you don't know whether you're being burgled or whether you're about to be raped with a hammer drill and strangled with your own intestines.
Either way, you'll get your gun and someone may end up shot, but chances are you've turned a non-lethal situation in to a lethal one.

No man, the person that smashed my window just turned it into a possible lethal situation, not me.
I understand that ... I'm just saying that in the scenario you describe, I'm gonna feel like I have my best chance of not dying by being suitably capable of defending myself to whatever level I feel is needed
I'll give you a quick, true story that happened to me like 2 months ago

Friday night, chillin at home. Crash out sometime around 2am. At around 3am the wife and I wake up because we hear someone pounding on our door. Not knocking, fucking POUNDING ... like with a fist. I'm all like "wtf?"

I tell her to stay in the bedroom and toss the phone at her. As I'm walking to my front door the pounding has changed to someone literally turning the handle and trying to force the door open by running their shoulder into it. On top of that, I hear voices, a couple of them. I get up to the door as this person is still literally throwing their shoulder into my door and trying to turn the handle

I wait for a quick break in the attempts and throw open the door really quick ... surprise fuckers! I don't say anything, I'm just standing in my doorway looking at these 3 assholes and I have my hand behind my back. They look at me, get all bug eyed and say "oh shit, sorry man, wrong place". I see asshole #1 take a quick look and size me up and I know he's aware that my hand is behind my back. I'm not acting threatening, I still don't even say anything. All 3 of them back up real slow, apologizing, and bug the fuck out.

What if I had a gig that night and my wife was home alone? No cop is gonna get to our place faster than a situation can develop OR be resolved if you're properly ready for it and have a level head

thats all I'm trying to say
But when you're in your house at night and hear someone smash a window, you don't know whether you're being burgled or whether you're about to be raped with a hammer drill and strangled with your own intestines.
Either way, you'll get your gun and someone may end up shot, but chances are you've turned a non-lethal situation in to a lethal one. The question you have to answer is this: is it worthwhile greatly increasing your risk of death in the vast majority of situations in order to minimise your risk of death in a very small minority.

The burglar also turned a non-lethal situation into a potentially lethal one by breaking into the home in the first place. Until I know if it's going to be lethal or not, I'd rather have the gun just in case. Not, "well let's just wait and see." Fuck that. Like I said before, it's better to have and not need than to need and not have.

Do you think I, or even most people, would just flat-out shoot someone immediately if they broke in? That isn't the only option, especially if you find out you're the only one with a gun. You can keep them there until the police arrive. You could just let them leave. Well, you could and then just hope they don't come back, or come back with a gun and/or more friends. You'd probably be surprised how many times people go with just detaining them until police arrive instead of shooting them. Imagine that. Just because you have a gun for home/whatever protection doesn't equate to you absolutely having to shoot them if they break in.

Is it worthwhile greatly increasing your risk of death in the vast majority of situations?

Ask the criminal that with "situations" meaning crime.

It's not my problem if someone breaks in that they could be walking into a lethal situation. They shouldn't break in in the first place. By doing so, they expose themselves to the possibility of that situation. What are you standing up for criminals? Feel bad for those that have been shot in someone's home and they didn't have a gun to defend themselves from the homeowner?
The burglar also turned a non-lethal situation into a potentially lethal one by breaking into the home in the first place. Until I know if it's going to be lethal or not, I'd rather have the gun just in case. Not, "well let's just wait and see." Fuck that. Like I said before, it's better to have and not need than to need and not have.

Do you think I, or even most people, would just flat-out shoot someone immediately if they broke in? That isn't the only option, especially if you find out you're the only one with a gun. You can keep them there until the police arrive. You could just let them leave. Well, you could and then just hope they don't come back, or come back with a gun and/or more friends. You'd probably be surprised how many times people go with just detaining them until police arrive instead of shooting them. Imagine that. Just because you have a gun for home/whatever protection doesn't equate to you absolutely having to shoot them if they break in.

Ask the criminal that with "situations" meaning crime.

It's not my problem if someone breaks in that they could be walking into a lethal situation. They shouldn't break in in the first place. By doing so, they expose themselves to the possibility of that situation. What are you standing up for criminals? Feel bad for those that have been shot in someone's home and they didn't have a gun to defend themselves from the homeowner?

Almost everything you wrote is not actually relevant to what i said. I said to imagine YOU are the one breaking in, not the other way round.
John, no disrespect intended man, seriously ...

but thats ridiculous. If I was the one breaking into someone's home I open myself to the possible consequences of that action and really have no room to argue in how the homeowner chooses to defend himself, his family, his home

I gave up my rights when I broke in with bad intentions
NO NO NO haha

He means that if YOU were in the situation where you broke into someone's house to steal their shit, you'd be more likely to shoot the home owner if they came and threatened you...

So I guess I should let the fucking thief steal my shit at gun point because it's safer. :Spin: I guess I'll leave it up to said thief to decide to leave a witness or not. While I'm at it, I'll make him a sandwich.
NO NO NO haha

He means that if YOU were in the situation where you broke into someone's house to steal their shit, you'd be more likely to shoot the home owner if they came and threatened you...

if a criminal breaks into your home and they have a gun on them, the likelihood is that they're going to use it against you even if you approach them unarmed. people who are stupid/desperate enough to be breaking into homes - for whatever reason - are the same people who are stupid/desperate enough to shoot someone to evade capture. they're also the same people who tend to obtain their arms illegally...

So I guess I should let the fucking thief steal my shit at gun point because it's safer. I guess I'll leave it up to said thief to decide to leave a witness or not. While I'm at it, I'll make him a sandwich.

the options are pretty much that, or shoot the fucker...
NO NO NO haha

He means that if YOU were in the situation where you broke into someone's house to steal their shit, you'd be more likely to shoot the home owner if they came and threatened you...

haha, i was wondering whether I was speaking a different language for a while. Phew!

anyway, I feel I've said enough... You guys can keep your guns, i'll keep on living in the country with 1/4 of the murder rate :)
haha, i was wondering whether I was speaking a different language for a while. Phew!

anyway, I feel I've said enough... You guys can keep your guns, i'll keep on living in the country with 1/4 of the murder rate :)

We have 300,000 more people than you do on your little island. No surprise we have more dumbass people per sq mile than you do. :lol:
We have 300,000 more people than you do on your little island. No surprise we have more dumbass people per sq mile than you do. :lol:

I think you mean 300,000,000. :)

The last stat I read on crime rates PER CAPITA put the U.K. slightly ahead of the U.S. Now that was for all overall crime, so you're just as likely to get mugged, have your stuff stolen or vandalized in the U.K. Just not as likely to die from it.....

And with the U.S. being so massive, the geography comes into play quite a bit. Sure if you live in Compton or Philly you're gonna have a bad time.... But most places aren't that bad.

And if we didn't have guns in the first place, we couldn't have gained independence from you jerks in 1776!

I'll keep having fun and staying protected with my guns while also living in an area with low homicide rates....
I'm completely pro-firearms, but it seems pretty obvious that they aren't inconsequential in terms of the escalation in seriousness/level of crime.
Ha ha sorry.... I just know a girl from Philly and she knew like 4 people who've been murdered and she's been mugged there more than once....