Gun Master Debate

You sure do take this shit personally don't you. Well, I don't own a gun. I've never been part of the NRA or read any of their material. I don't watch TV, or even read the news so I don't see how you're always telling me that the NRA or the media planted these ideas in my mind. I think for myself.

There's some truth to both sides of the argument, but you're so rediculously one sided on this issue I had to present the opposing side. There are pros and cons either way you go.

IMO, you're the one who's partially blind here. I look at the issue with both eyes, while you look at it with only one.
Both sides of this issue have their valid points.

For example, gun rights advocates do have a point when it comes to self-defense (but not like George Zimmerman :lol:).

But on the other hand, gun control advocates have a good point when it comes to assault weapons.

My view is: what possible reason does the average person have to possess an assault rifle of the same level and potency of those used in wars?

And, why are gun owners opposed to stricter background checks? Stricter background checks would safeguard the rights of responsible gun owners by preventing irresponsible ones from acquiring guns.
Pennut butter is dangerous! It can kill you.
If murder is made illegal in USA we might all lose the right to pennut butter in the future.
Do we really want a big government telling us we can't eat vegetables (even though I hate them)?
And what if a terrorist walks in to your home with a suicide vest?
You'd want your gun then, wouldn't you!?!

And, why are gun owners opposed to stricter background checks? Stricter background checks would safeguard the rights of responsible gun owners by preventing irresponsible ones from acquiring guns.

Because what determines "irresponsible" is ever changing, and it's a conflict of interest for the state.
A few undeniable facts:

a) Citizens could never resist the U.S. government in warfare (*laughing at the idiocy of it all as I type this*) with handguns etc...

b) Is this then a valid reason for every citizen in society to lug around around assault rifles and machine (or sub-machine) guns in anticipation of that glorious day when the oppressed massed will obliterate the most powerful military on earth in armed combat? Of course the hundreds of thousands of people that are meanwhile killed or injured by psychotic nutcases, testosterone-tripping meatheads, or careless klutzes are totally irrelevant in comparison to the glorious Second Coming of the Glamorous Gun Owners of America, right? Can you spell c-o-r-p-o-r-a-t-e p-r-o-f-i-t b-u-l-l-s-h-i-t for me one more time, please?

c) Self defence? What a joke - the number of times that guns are used successfully by criminals to commit crimes as opposed to successful use of guns in terms of self defence is something like a 1000 to 1 ratio. If civillians can't own guns then they don't need them for "defence" - criminals are civillians too *duh* Get a clue from the rest of the civillized first world, you brainwashed corporate-biautch rednecks.
A few undeniable facts:

a) Citizens could never resist the U.S. government in warfare (*laughing at the idiocy of it all as I type this*) with handguns etc...

Arguments need to stop referencing this supposed "fact." It's entirely fallacious because it presupposes that the military and the citizenry can be separated. Do you seriously believe that soldiers will turn against their families and friends? The lines that separate "U.S. government" from "citizenry" are so fucking blurry and artificial so as to be utterly useless.
Arguments need to stop referencing this supposed "fact." It's entirely fallacious because it presupposes that the military and the citizenry can be separated. Do you seriously believe that soldiers will turn against their families and friends? The lines that separate "U.S. government" from "citizenry" are so fucking blurry and artificial so as to be utterly useless.

The fact that you would even contemplate such obvious corporate bullspit propaganda that sounds like it was yanked straight out of a badly-written sci-fi dystopian novel is disturbing to me. Gun corporations - just like any of the other numerous multinational corporations that are rapidly destroying the planet in the name of profit - love money, and they especially love the U.S. because the populace is so easy to brainwash and blind to the reality of a what a normal peaceful existance is (hint: any first world country except for the U.S.), and the American politicians fit just oh-so-neatly in their pockets too (very strong links between the N.R.A. and gun corporations have also very clearly been proven in this topic). Bring on the fear-mongering, the paranoia, and THE PROFIT!!!! :Smug:
Are you suggesting that you buy into profit-based political propaganda aimed at dumb paranoid rednecks to make them think it's natural and normal to carry machines of death on their hips all the time? The true "weapons of mass destruction" in this equation are the small arms that are proliferated throughout the world by greedy American gun corporations.
This thread still on?
Love how the gun-nuts are all over the 2.nd and then go "I don't have to excuse my gun ownership to society".
You live in a Democracy, deal...

I said in once and I'll say it again - responsible gun ownership.
Just what is so fucking hard about it?
If you can't handle a gun you don't get a gun licence and you don't get a gun. THE END
It would appear that neither of them can answer questions. And I don't just mean difficult questions; I mean they don't understand the interrogative posture. Questions simply just evade them, like infrared evades human eyesight.