Gun Master Debate

Nice, you used the Piers Morgan defense: "There are no statistics showing private gun owners stopping Mass shootings". Well duh, because mass shootings require 4+ victims, and the presence of an armed citizen prevents the situation from occurring in the first place.

So China isn't totalitarian? You don't get to pick and choose the parts you like. Shit comes together. Power comes down uniformly.

There is no reason to assume armed citizens will cause a greater bloodbath than either unarmed citizens or the presence of police. Particularly when police are notoriously innacurate shooters.

Lol at your last paragraph. Just because I might carry, doesn't mean I can do so in the places I just listed. Mass shootings aren't happening at gun shows, NRA meetings, or just "on the street" in places where people can carry. They happen where guns are banned either by law or by private owners. Columbine, Newtown, Aurora, etc. etc.
Just a quick observation:

The average Joe who wants to carry a gun, in our current gun climate in this country, is still technically free to carry a gun if he wants to. Nothing is preventing him. So, if his presence in a crowd would prevent a mass shooting, then that should be happening already.

Lessening the restrictions on gun laws is not going to encourage people (such as myself) to go out and buy guns. So, basically, this argument for less-restrictive gun laws will have very little impact on increasing the number of guns in circulation, thus having little to no impact on the inhibiting effect that personal firearms will have toward mass shootings.

Simply put: fewer gun laws won't suddenly alter the mindset of people who don't want to own guns in the first place; and the current gun laws aren't restrictive enough to keep those average Joes who want guns from getting them. So the argument that fewer gun laws leads to a safer society doesn't make much sense to me.
Just a quick observation:

The average Joe who wants to carry a gun, in our current gun climate in this country, is still technically free to carry a gun if he wants to. Nothing is preventing him. So, if his presence in a crowd would prevent a mass shooting, then that should be happening already.

It does happen already. it just doesn't get far outside of local headlines - because it doesn't bleed, it doesn't lead.

Gun laws are not uniform across the US. Arizona and Connecticut or New York are at opposite ends of the spectrum. I personally know a deputy sheriff in NC from Conn, who was not allowed to take his service pistol home with him (paperwork was denied by Conn). That is pretty restrictive. In AZ, owning a .50 sniper rifle is no big deal.

Lessening the restrictions on gun laws is not going to encourage people (such as myself) to go out and buy guns. So, basically, this argument for less-restrictive gun laws will have very little impact on increasing the number of guns in circulation, thus having little to no impact on the inhibiting effect that personal firearms will have toward mass shootings.

Simply put: fewer gun laws won't suddenly alter the mindset of people who don't want to own guns in the first place; and the current gun laws aren't restrictive enough to keep those average Joes who want guns from getting them. So the argument that fewer gun laws leads to a safer society doesn't make much sense to me.

Although it doesn't encourage you to buy a gun, it increases uncertainty for potential aggressors, and therefore increases risk, creating less enticing prospects for profit in crime. You know you don't want a gun, but that guy on the corner doesn't know that. But he can know if you aren't allowed to have one, and that you appear to be of the good law abiding sort in the upper crust.
Yes, but my reluctance to own a gun remains inconsequential for most mass shooters intent on carrying out some kind of massacre.

The only people it seems like it would matter for are those with material interests in mind - thieves, muggers, etc. And many of those don't intend to kill in the first place.
Colion Noir is a good dude.
Great representative for black gun owners. Great representative for all gun owners.

Yeah, he really is. He's not some shotgun-toting redneck either, which is what makes anti-gun folk wary to listen to anything Ted Nugent says. Despite the fact I also enjoy Nugent's words on the issue and consider them equally valid.

I like that vid in particular because of the way he emphasizes the fantasies of mass shooters. It's a point I hadn't considered before watching.
Yes, but my reluctance to own a gun remains inconsequential for most mass shooters intent on carrying out some kind of massacre.

You can't carry out a massacre if you die first. It does figure in. This is why would be mass killers either create or go to gun free zones.
I don't think many of them care.

All evidence is to the contrary. Someone who doesn't care would be just as likely to attack a "hard target". Instead, we see mass shooters repeatedly select the softest of targets, and often commit suicide as soon as an opposing gun appears on the scene.
They just want to snag a few souls to take with them. I don't think they have a number in mind. And I don't think a great fear of people owning their own personal firearms is going to impede their efforts.
They just want to snag a few souls to take with them. I don't think they have a number in mind. And I don't think a great fear of people owning their own personal firearms is going to impede their efforts.

Well not owning certainly doesn't impede anything. While it is a possibility (although historically unlikely) that fear won't impede, the carrier will.
Unless there is no carrier.

Very conservative estimates put the number of CC permits in NC at 1 in 50 if I did my math right. That means that the likelihood of at least one carrier being in a given vicinity here is quite high (unless in a "gun free zone", like a school), and it only takes one.

But yes, of course no carriers prevents no-thing.
Those who would carry already do. So what would fewer gun laws achieve exactly?

Only in some states, and even sometimes by city. Again, laws are not equal across the US. There certainly isn't a strong argument for any stricter gun laws than what Arizona has - which are pretty much the laxest in the country.

Something I did not know until the other day is that Canada scrapped their national "long-gun registry" back in 2012 after it proved rather pointless and expensive - while gun-control advocates here were still pointing to a national registry as some smart thing everybody else was doing.
Nice, you used the Piers Morgan defense: "There are no statistics showing private gun owners stopping Mass shootings". Well duh, because mass shootings require 4+ victims, and the presence of an armed citizen prevents the situation from occurring in the first place.

So China isn't totalitarian? You don't get to pick and choose the parts you like. Shit comes together. Power comes down uniformly.

There is no reason to assume armed citizens will cause a greater bloodbath than either unarmed citizens or the presence of police. Particularly when police are notoriously innacurate shooters.

Lol at your last paragraph. Just because I might carry, doesn't mean I can do so in the places I just listed. Mass shootings aren't happening at gun shows, NRA meetings, or just "on the street" in places where people can carry. They happen where guns are banned either by law or by private owners. Columbine, Newtown, Aurora, etc. etc.

Hahahahaha, so you're seriously sitting there and telling me that the U.S. already has far FEWER mass shootings than it would othwerwise have PRECISELY BECAUSE every Tom, Dick, and Harry is ALLOWED to carry a gun around? OMG OMG OMG listen to the corporately-brainwashed puppet speak, do you even realise how far from any kind of discernable logic that sounds? :lol:

Whether a country is dictatorial or not really has little bearing upon gun control issues because about 95% of countries in the world enforce strict gun regulations regardless of government type. Those that don't, or are awash in illegal American weapons anyway, generally see either endless civil wars, rampant bloody gangsterism, or just generally violent and dangerous societies. There are some strongly homogenous and prosperous first world countries with laxer gun control laws which aren't awash in violent bloodshed, but that's largely due to their previously-mentioned characteristics (it's not the "guns keeping them safe"), and it's hardly even necessary for someone to carry a gun for self-defence in such utopian-like societies, but the number of suicides and gunshot injuries still increase exponentially in such countries anyway.

The U.S. is not one of these peaceful countries: it's strongly divided by race, ethnicity, and wealth distribution, and has powerful veins of both gangsterism and general violent criminality, both of which are strongly fueled and literally encouraged by the freely-available guns. This is why the U.S. is currently (and there can be no arguing this fact) the MOST dangerous of all first-world developed countries. This is the pile of shit your precious little fake-penis guns have bought for you, yet you still suck on the nipple of corporate propaganda, shame shame shame...

Oh, and there are reasons mass shooters tend to pick indoor places like schools etc for shootings, and they have nothing to do with your brainwashed NRA conspiracy theories either. They're mainly to do with physics and logic, two aspects that you're clearly very lacking in knowledge of. A) Most mass shootings are generally based on a grudge against a certain place, or people that work in that place, and hardly any non-terrorist shooter is crazy enough to just open fire on a bunch of random people in the street. B) In an indoors venue it is easier for the shooter to corner and target his prey, but on the open street it's much easier for people to get out of harm's way. C) It's much easier for police to find and subdue a shooter on the open street, so that his killing spree would be over before it hardly even got started.

Now please, keep on serenading us with your wet dreams of all teachers carrying loaded firearms around with them at school... :rolleyes::lol:
Finally got to the range for the first time in six months or more. Fuck, it felt good. I'm still not hitting bullseye, but I am hitting target and my grouping remains pretty impeccable. I've only been shooting here and there for a few years, it takes time. But fuck... it felt good everywhere except my wallet.

Boyfriend may be getting this soon, definitely really fucking excited to be shooting something like it for the first time: