Gun Master Debate

I shot a few, mainly this bad boy though. My partner reloads to save us money and finally made a bunch of 9mm, only a few of anything else. Not that it made a difference because I bought two more fuckin boxes at the range haha.

I shot a few, mainly this bad boy though. My partner reloads to save us money and finally made a bunch of 9mm, only a few of anything else. Not that it made a difference because I bought two more fuckin boxes at the range haha.


If we're gonna do photos, let me offer this one. Any resemblance to your partner?
*I having shitloads of machines to kill people on my bed, and one touching my woefully-inadequate penis, I'm so goddamn fucking cool, aye?* :rolleyes:

Prostitutes in Illinois really expensive, or you just very poor? Or lack of Internet connection for porn-based mushroom waxing? :lol:

The fuck is your problem you stupid fucking twat? I can't believe you're a fucking teacher. Piss the fuck off, and shit down your students' throats. It'll be the equivalent of talking to them.
The fuck is your problem you stupid fucking twat? I can't believe you're a fucking teacher. Piss the fuck off, and shit down your students' throats. It'll be the equivalent of talking to them.

What does he teach? Probably a gymnastics class for toddlers.
The fuck is your problem you stupid fucking twat? I can't believe you're a fucking teacher. Piss the fuck off, and shit down your students' throats. It'll be the equivalent of talking to them.

Haha, did you just get angry in an Internet argument? :rolleyes: :lol:

My actual but deeply-hidden meaning was that this topic is supposed to be a debate about gun control, not as a place for some hicks to post about how they did (or didn't) have a good time firing off some rounds at the local killer-trainer center AKA gun range. Can't argue with my "super-teacher-like" logic there ;)
Haha, did you just get angry in an Internet argument? :rolleyes: :lol:

My actual but deeply-hidden meaning was that this topic is supposed to be a debate about gun control, not as a place for some hicks to post about how they did (or didn't) have a good time firing off some rounds at the local killer-trainer center AKA gun range. Can't argue with my "super-teacher-like" logic there ;)

I don't own a gun. I don't want to own a gun. I agree with lots of your points, even on the cultural/institutional fetishism of guns in this country.

I'm just in breathless awe of the stupidity of your approach, which is to harangue other people who aren't even arguing with you and mock them in childish ways. I'm in awe that you have students whom you likely treat in a similar way (I highly doubt a student could turn in a paper arguing for less regulations on firearms and earn an 'A'). I'm in awe that your mental capacity appears to end where genuine, thoughtful debate begins. You seem to have the inability to be cordial to others whom you disagree with.

So yes, I got mad in an online forum. If I may speak freely, I don't care. You're just a moronic asshole in an online forum. I'd rather be angry than stupid.
Pretty sure Ultimate Apathy isn't a real person, because I've actually gone out of my way to be nice to the dude multiple times (call it a soft spot for outcasts) and he's a prick to me.

In other words... don't feed the troll.
I've actually been thinking he might have autism, tbh.

So here's a link to this article about a gun related crime that happen this week in Brooklyn. A 14 year old gunned down a bus driver who is also a father of two children. The kid belonged to a gang and he was aiming at another rivaling gang member and obviously missed. Now I'm not an advocate for guns by any means, but I'm beginning to really reconsider the strict gun control laws here in NY. I mean I'm sure this kid would've second thought this if more people were armed. Point is people who want to get an illegal gun 100% of the time for an illegal purpose will. But law abiding citizens who want to get one to protect their family from harm won't, and that's the problem.
Pretty sure Ultimate Apathy isn't a real person, because I've actually gone out of my way to be nice to the dude multiple times (call it a soft spot for outcasts) and he's a prick to me.

I'm not quite seeing the logic there.

UA is just another internet fucktard who loves attention and doesn't care whether it's good or bad. His retarded pics of onstage 'hilarious' hijinks are a further example. I doubt he's really a teacher, but if he is, there's no way he teaches anything complex.
I'm just in breathless awe of the stupidity of your approach, which is to harangue other people who aren't even arguing with you and mock them in childish ways. .

No, actually the childishness started with him going off topic and posting about firing off a few at the range as if I'd be so terrified and run away screaming or whatever, just in the same way that some people make a big show out of eating meat in front of vegetarians, and similar such idiotic behavior.

And as to the whole New York incident, the whole "everyone having a gun makes it safer" is pure NRA propoganda bullshit, and has been strategically dismissed numerous times in this topic already. Oh, and if you make fucking dangerous weapons legal, you monumentally increase the chances of people obtaining them illegally as well, so that kid would never have even had a gun if he lived in a less gun-phallic and safer country, so your argument is moot.
That wasn't an argument. It was just a statement. Nothing of value comes from you aside from alerting others to the sophistry of your arguments. Those who disagree with you automatically become brainwashed NRA puppets. Those who simply want to discuss guns and recreational shooting incur your dumbass ad hominems and personal accusations. You make fun of people who aren't even talking to you; but worse, you're impossible to actually to talk with because you put up your "Fuck the NRA!" wall.

For all those reasons, I simply assess that you're a pile of shit.
"Nothing of value?" So I guess the numerous facts, statistics, and studies I've posted many times earlier in the topic are less valuable than your random little insults? :rolleyes::lol: And apparently you also have difficulty reading properly because this clearly IS NOT a topic about recreational shooting but rather about debating gun control. Oh, and I'm difficult "to with" - obviously also trouble with writing as well, aye? :lol:
The bloody political spectrum in America and the associated segments of the media basically vaporise the potential for meaningful and worthwhile debate a lot of the time. Everything is an "us and then" ad hominem diatribe. Everyone is a "liberal", with the usual bizarre American definition of liberal or a "conservative" where conservative has a similarly skewed real meaning, in this context, of die hard free market fundamentalist / cultural white supremacist with a strange kind of particularist "limited anarchy".

I'm kind of left wing these days, but I still think that gun laws in the UK are a bit crap. All I would do is bring back the Castle Doctrine and allow pistols for sporting use, so long as they are kept at secure facilities, rather than at home and are only allowed to be owned by real sportsmen.
Pistols are pointless for hunting(unless you are keeping it on you in case you get jumped by a bear or something, not a problem in the UK I don't believe). They are a defense weapon. Having then locked away in a "secure facility" would render ownership pointless and would not in any way support the Castle Doctrine.
The sporting pistols thing is unrelated to the castle doctrine, rifles and shotguns that are currently available to those with licenses would be used for it. I meant target shooting by sporting use.